Sehe mit 15 extrem jung aus was tun?
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und sehe extrem jung aus. We’re von jedem wirklich jedem auf 12 11 geschätzt das nervt einen extrem.
Ich weiß absolut nicht was ich machen soll bin auch dementsprechend klein 167 und sehe Ultra jung aus. Auf Partys und so generell unangenehm aber auch bei den Familien feiern kriegt man es 10-20 mal gesagt. Auch wenn ich viele weibliche Freunde habe natürlich immer nur in der friendzone weil wer will auch mit nem 11 jährigen zusammen sein Digga was soll ich machen
With 15 you are still young
There you can’t do much except to change your attitude for it and at least act in this jealous. I wish you self-confidence.
The admissibility of getting older is that it definitely happens. But I can also well understand that it is extremely annoying to be appreciated ever younger. But this is the case with some and biology.
What I can guess for now is to focus on something else. Your interests. People with interests and passion are interesting. No matter how young they look. Also for girls. And not just in the Friend zone.
And once you’re 40, you’re happy to be held for 35.
I have the same problem with 20, so you’re not alone with it. You could wear your hair differently or dress you adult to look older and more confident. Strangers may still think you’re younger, but your classmates know how old you are. Don’t argue that you have no chances with girls and are less value than the bigger guys.
15 is a stupid age where some might still look and behave like 13 and others might go through as 18 years old. Don’t press. In any case, you can still grow and maybe you will make a real development at 16/17.
I’m just 1 to 1 you. 167cm tall and very relatively young. I’m happy with me and it’s not just looking at
Same. Be always a little younger appreciated 🤙 hair differently or how cooler wear hold and also dress differently ☺️
Of course, with 15 you’re still a part of the youth – so still young.
Let you grow a beard 🙂
Haha thanks Ultra helpful I’ll tell you the point she’s about to enter soon