Don't see much of a difference after liposuction?

Hello everyone, yesterday I finally had my big stomach operation, liposuction on my stomach and both hips. It's been a day now and I can see small differences, but I still have the same stomach as before the operation. I had 1 liter of fat removed.
what could be the cause.
please advise;)

the bottom picture is before the operation

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2 years ago

Even without knowing what the “model” is, I would have seen the difference.

You have not been obese and for most, the procedure is probably not comprehensible. I want to say that I’ve already succeeded. A bit of upholstery has to be, otherwise you look like hollowed out and as if you have a hole in the abdomen.

2 years ago

is still swollen by the surgery

2 years ago
Reply to  chrisxhermann

Didn’t your doctor tell you?

you’re paying a lot of money for a little fat and you’re not even cleared up right now?

2 years ago

I’m guessing the op is still swollen.

Now wait a bit

LG Sky…🌟🌟🌟

2 years ago

Patience, your body has to get used to the new condition, the skin has to adapt and your body has to rest. Wait a few more days.

2 years ago

I’m standing to my belly, I wouldn’t let you do that. You were thin before.