Sehe ich normal oder Untergewichtig aus?
Bin 17, 1,65m und junge, meine Verwandten sagen mir oft ich bin nur Haut und Knochen oder sehe ekelhaft aus, aber online (vorallem von gleichaltrigen) bekomme ich oft Komplimente, ich persönlich finde mich eigentlich auch attraktiv aber weiß solangsam nichtmehr wirklich was ich noch glauben soll XD
In clothes I always find it hard to evaluate, but as I imagine your body under it you should be underweight. Couple kilos more (probably muscles) would certainly not harm you, but as long as you are not unhealthy you would not have it necessary.
I think it’s too thin
Trying to increase slowly this is also my goal to increase 1-3 kilos. Try to take about the day 1,800 or more calories or to eat several times a day zb every 2-3 hours and drink a lot of water (but not before eating that makes more your stomach full)
I think you’re too thin. Something more on the ribs would look really good with you. But maybe it’s your genetics that you’re so slim. But wait, that changes with the years! 👍😎🍀
I think it’s too thin.
A few kilos more would certainly not hurt you.
ka. The photo is possibly unfavorable to recognize anything right at all.
Like a rag.
You are very big and extremely slim
1.65 is not very large
Looks like this on the picture
You can recognize that. It goes to his knee
Do not use much, you cannot recognize it
Only from above
You can’t see that well
But comparison with the bed
Believe what your relationship says the image tells me that you are too thin
To thin