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9 months ago

DA’s right eye has nothing to do with the left eye, there are two organs that can naturally grow differently.
Your left hand is not, of course, equal to your right hand, or your legs. Your left ear may sit a little deeper in your head than your right ear.
Missights are usually a question of eye length, as there can logically be differences.

Another little tip, take care of your spelling. In your small set about 6 errors are in it.

9 months ago

What do you mean? You will hardly find someone who has the same visual acuity on the right and left.
Because of increasing short-sightedness, I often needed new spectacle lenses and the values were never identical on both sides. Where’s a problem?

9 months ago

That you can see worse on one eye than on the other

9 months ago
Reply to  Fddeawwrfdd

How do I know? Do you have to ask the ophthalmologist 🤦🏻