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Findet ihr das gesund? Frage?
1 banane, etwas haferflocken etw vollmilch, salz, ein ei mischen und etw in rapsöl anbraten (pancakes) dazu gefrorene beeren aufgetaut darüber mit etw honig zweitens: olivenöl, mangoessig, salz, pfeffer und senf ein dressing machen dazu tomaten rucola und burrata = salat
Yes, but this is partly due to the perspective and distortion of the camera. So it could be that it looks pretty okay live.
To thin
Yeah, very much. Lg
Look at Spargel.
And that you have to ask 20 questions about your figure with photo here is also very strange.
Hello, Leonie!
Even too thin but this probably depends on the perspective.
Have a nice day, please take care of yourself.
I’d say really thin.
Of course.
Looks like underweight.
Not thin but thin
Very thin. You obviously have problems with your perception because you are constantly asking such questions, think about a therapy.
Heyy yes I find your body looks good :3
Underweight thin…
Very thin
Healthy thin
weighing 55kg
What size?
Yeah, too thin to look sexy.
It looks like skin and bones. And you know that, after all, is not your first profile here, with always the same questions.
Not bad
regarding age, body size and weight – you are in normal weight. However, you approach the border to the underweight – please watch.
Black clothes make slim.
The top is not black
You see
Yes, very thin and the breasts hang to care
However, it can also be the perspective.