"Seats & Sofas" TV commercial promise a fake?
Every now and then, there's a TV commercial for the company "Seats & Sofas" that says, "Buy today, sit down tonight!" Isn't that utter nonsense and actually fraudulent customer deception? They can't tell me that I can order a sofa from them in the morning and have it delivered by the evening the same day. Complete nonsense.
D a s,
dear Excalibur,
I wonder about this advertisement every time I see it!
I’m sorry, but I think this promise is a simple consumer deception! The consumer is simply sold for stupid! To encourage people to buy at d ie s e r company! Totally plump manipulation!
For this reason, who can be dazzled as a consumer in such an obvious way, is himself guilty! For me, this is more a reason to buy it! With such unselfish advertising!
A sophisticated logistics system already allows such a fast delivery within Germany!
The only question is whether you are satisfied with the comfort and convenience of 100%!
I would first test such seat/lounge furniture! I also want to touch and feel the surface material!
Such furniture is not cheap and a purchase for longer time!
In this case, I would not consider a quick shot purchase after a TV advertisement to be useful!
Why? If the part isn’t good enough, you’ll let it pick up again. I did with my sofa landscape, that’s not a problem.
After my inner attitude, I think it is insane to push heavy objects back and forth. This costs work and unnecessary fuel combustion, burdens the environment and blocks the roads.
Returns should remain the exception! You can’t exclude them, but you shouldn’t take advantage of the possibilities!
I don’t know, after my inner setting, I always send back what doesn’t fit me and that’s as often as I can, so a forwarding has its rides and doesn’t just drive to me and my piece of furniture, so the truck would drive like that. And the same also applies to DHL with smaller packages that drive whether there is a return in there or not
That’s all right, has nothing to do with a deception, that’s called logistics, and it’s very important where you live in Germany, but actually that’s not a problem.
The central warehouse of these is in the Hamburg area, I live in Ramsau/Berchtesgaden. I want to see how they bring the sofa to me within a day. LOL
Who says they take this out of the Central Camp? That’s it. You order sofa 0815, who call at a participating dealer near you if sofa 0815 is available if “yes” this will send you out. And Seats & Sofas restocks this dealer, and can then leave more time as you are a satisfied customer
Look here the company sits not only in HH also near you