seagate archive platte, 3800 stunden gebraucht, 80 €, lohnt sich das?
was ist eine archiv platte
so sieht die aus am papier
ich brauche eine 8 tb platte um meine 4 x 2 TB Platten mit Filmen udn Serien die nur so herumstehen zum sammeln auf ne 8 er zu transferieren wiel ich da alles zusammen habe dann, was sagen die profis?
The duration would not be the problem for me. Rather that it is a plate with SMR, so Shingled Magnetic recording is. For your usage profile, i.e. singular series and films, this should not be a huge problem.
ok thank you, he still has ne barracuda quite new at 85 € and what is smr what is that and why is archive records?
The archive records are intended for archives. Data on it, no more touch. In SMR, the data tracks such as roof shingles are written overlapping. If you rewrite a track, you also need to refresh tracks next to it. It doesn’t matter when reading, but when you often overwrite data, the plates are very slow.
Why is that complicated? So there’s a movie after the other one that I’ll let you get tired. and how do so many discs fit into a 3.5 inch plate that is just as thick as a one with 2 TB or even 20 TB as it goes
no problem. sold them at 25k std.
ok fits thanks
Hello Stefan,
A new 8 TB is approx. EUR 200, of which EUR 80 is therefore fine for a used one.
You can always be lucky or bad luck, about 1 of 10 HDDs are breaking early.
Note, always have a backup of important data.