SD-Karte lässt sich nicht formatieren. Was soll ich tun?

Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe mir heute zwei Micro-SD-Karten mit Adapter von SanDisk. Habe mich für die SanDisk Extreme Plus 128GB V30 SD XC 1 A2 entschieden. Die beiden Karten habe ich für meine alten Cypershots gekauft. Beim Einstecken in die Kamera steht auf dem Display „Speicherkarten-Typenfehler“. Natürlich habe ich auf der Kamera versucht die Karte zu formatieren dabei stand auch nur die Fehlermeldung „Speicherkarten-Typenfehler“. Dann habe ich die Karten über einen Kartenleser über einen Kartenleser angeschlossen und es war nicht möglich zu formatieren.

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen.

Danke schon im voraus!

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2 months ago

It seems that your camera is SDXC cards may not be supported, as older models often only SDHC-cards up to 32 GB are compatible. Check this first.

If the card can still not be formatted, try to PC to format. Close the card via the card reader and use it Windows formatting tool or SD Formatter Tool of the SD Association. Be careful, ex-FAT as a file system, as it is best suited for 128 GB cards.

If that still doesn’t work, the card could be broken, and you might need to exchange it or contact the SanDisk support. More info: 5 solutions: SD card cannot be formatted, so it is!

11 months ago

One should pay particular attention to old cameras with which maps they can handle, because SD is not the same SD. There are different standards such as SD, SDHC and SDXC.

If you buy the newest one, old cameras have a high probability that they won’t get clear because it was simply not invented when the cameras or your card reader came out.

Let the maps go back and inform you about the compatibility of your camera.

11 months ago
Reply to  PhilippFle

Did the card reader show the cards and could you access it? They’re always pre-formatted. As said Cardreader might be too old.