SD Karte formatiert – Daten wiederherstellen?


Ich hatte gestern einen Fehler auf meiner Kamera (Sony) angezeigt bekommen – den genauen Wortlaut weiß ich nicht mehr, es war irgendwas mit “PAL Format und wollen Sie formatieren..” Ich habe dann ausversehen auf OK gedrückt, aber dann die Kamera sofort aufgeschaltet, um das wieder abzubrechen. Hat nicht gewirkt und somit wurden alle Fotos/Videos innerhalb dieser Sekunde gelöscht…

Ich dachte dann zuerst vielleicht hängt die SD Karte und hab dann erstmal ein Probefoto und Probevideo (2 Sek) gemacht – somit ja “überschrieben” was meine Internet Recherche ergab.. Allerdings waren sehr viele Dateien und RAW Dateien drauf.. somit kann ja eig. nicht alles überschrieben worden sein.

Ich werde es heute mal mit Recuva versuchen. Oder hat jemand noch andere Ideen oder Software als Vorschlag? Leider findet man in Google alles zu “SD Karte formatiert…”, aber nichts zu “SD Karte formatiert und überschrieben..”.

Ich danke für eure Hilfe!

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1 year ago

I’ve had very good experiences with DiskDigger. A few files are probably already overwritten and there I don’t know, but to get the remaining files from the broken card, I can highly recommend the program.

You can scan the SD card from the free version ( and if he finds the photos, there is the possibility A. to invest a lot of time and to store each picture individually, which is free or B. for 14€ to buy a license. This is much cheaper than other programs and with the faultless result I was very happy.

1 year ago


for many video cameras and some hybrid DSLM, the camera is driven down when changing the network frequency and the primary spoke card is then re-formatted. This is usually announced several times and then you take the memory card out and put (k) another one. Memory cards have now become cheap. Even though cheap spike cards usually have high risk of loss.

Otherwise, data on memory cards specific SD MLC types can be considered in principle as “weaving” or not safe as long as they are not secured externally correctly. That’s why when it comes to data backup every hour or if you want to save memory or after every important work step. Professional cameras have two memory cards for parallel operation and are Hot Swap capable.

There are various “favourable” professional software (Get Data Back for FAT or Stellar) that reconstruct not only the film clips but also with the help of the time code, because Schnippslen back as film clip. It can then be that a workstation/server needs 20-30 hours for a 15 minutes AVCHD UHD clip.

The higher the compression rate of the codec the longer the reconstruction takes and the less remains therefore many reportage professionals still rotate with MPEG/AVI

1 year ago

So when it’s overwritten, it looks bad first. But with recuva I’ve made good experience.

1 year ago

Try it with Photorec. This can find and save data without a file system. Originally developed for digital cameras where the file system is no longer legible due to defective or malfunctions. Meanwhile very powerful and can be much more. You can use this for all memories where the actual data has not been overwritten.

If only the beginning of the file system was re-created, so “fast formatting” the actual data is still completely present, only the computer does not know if and where data are. Photorec scans the entire memory and finds files on specific properties and can re-puzz the blocks of the data.

1 year ago

Much Glücj, I don’t think that content is still going to be saved on the map, with some bad luck the whole map is over…