Sweating while eating fruit?
I just ate apple rings and I'm sweating the whole time I'm eating them. It happens with other fruits too. Does anyone know why?
Thanks MFG.
If I eat 1 kg of butter, am I dead?
The following problem: Whenever I was stressed, I would reach for sugar and eat large amounts in one sitting. Some days, I'd eat two bars of chocolate and a whole pack of chocolate bars in one sitting. My problem is that I'm not gaining weight and therefore not under as much pressure. But of course,…
I forgot
Hey, do you think I can still eat the Chinese takeaway I got around lunchtime today (baked chicken, rice, and small spring rolls), even though it's been sitting in the kitchen? (There was still a bit of aluminum foil covering it.) I'm worried I'll get food poisoning from it, because I've already eaten some.
Probably you are allergic, either to the fruit itself or to any splashes or the like.
You can try it with unsprayed organic fruit.
Or with berries that are usually not sprayed.
Hello Ninja 949, 👋
No, that’s very strange!
LG 🙋🏻
You, I just got it.
it is in there that your salivary glands separate instead of saliva, animate sweating or something.
I’m a bad explainer, I had to read to Mr. Google.