Schwindelig nach zu viel Zucker?
Ich war heute mit einem Kumpel in einem Süßwarengeschäft und haben dort verschiedene Süßigkeiten gekauft. Jetzt haben wir die alle weg gegessen.
Mir ist es jetzt Schwindelig und Übel und habe herzrasen.
Kann das eine Überzuckerung sein?
100 Gramm Zucker Pro Person.
Hi tecfr43k
These are not oversugar symptoms
and hyperglycemia (oversuction)
= BZ > 180-200 mg/dl or > 10-11,1 mmol/l
= Kidney threshold exceeded
get only diabetics! The most typical
oversugar symptoms are;
Polydipsie ( strong, insoluble thirst)💦
Polyurie ( strong urinary rank), 🚽 🚽🚽
also tiredness after eating,
Concentration problems, visual disorders, etc…
LG 🙋🏻
Thanks for the ⭐
Yeah, that could be the amount of sugar you consumed. If you take a lot of sugar in a short time, the level of blood sugar can rise sharply and then quickly sink again, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and hearth. Your body reacts to the sudden sugar surplus and the insulin spill. Drink the best water to dilute the sugar, and eat some fiber-rich or protein-containing to stabilize blood sugar.
Yes, that can come from too much sugar. The nausea in any case. So the next time just don’t put so much in itself until you’re bad. That is what you learn as a toddler.