Schwindel geht nicht weg?
Ich habe seit gestern früh plötzlich Schwindel bei jeder kleinen Bewegung. Ich kann nicht mal mehr stehen sondern wirklich nur komplett gerade im Bett sitzen oder liegen, sonst dreht sich alles. Ich hatte auch davor immer etwas Schwindel aber noch sie so schlimm. Ich würde ja zum Arzt gehen, aber ich komme nichtmal bis zur Haustüre. Den Notarzt deswegen anzurufen ist mir aber ehrlich gesagt auch peinlich. Warum geht der Schwindel denn garnicht mehr weg ?
I picked up the doctor at that time – I called the 116117.
You took me to the hospital, too.
Then it got a little better, even through blood pressure monitoring and better setting of blood pressure.
In the hospital, there” is missing the everyday what you need to do: cook, clean up and so on. There’s something going on.
I’ve been released with still dizziness and I’ll be right back to my home doctor.
She gave me a booklet of Vertigoheel and there were exercises in it, which I performed several times a day almost two years a day and also took this Vertigoheel, at the beginning even four pieces a day, and at some point the dizziness was gone.
If I suddenly feel a dizziness today, I try to
Whether I sit, lie, run or stand, fix a point and stare at it until the dizziness is gone.
And- the fear of the dizziness is also gone because I now know how to help.
Maybe you try it with the insistence of a fixed point, “got” right until the dizziness is gone, try it.
I’ll keep you tight.
Under the 116117, you don’t get a doctor, you’ll get a doctor. He can’t take you to the hospital. This is a car that goes through the area and, if necessary, leads to the hospital but surely does not bring.
I got an ambulance with two paramedics and they took me to the hospital. Besides, I was so excited that the PAPST could have come with me, I didn’t even get that.
A KTW can be good
This is a complex medical problem that can certainly not be solved here. But the doctor is said at a time when it doesn’t improve. I say, “Maybe you have to drink a good cup of coffee.”
The RTW may not call yet, but you can 116 117 call.
Without a preselection.
This is the medical emergency service and if necessary, a doctor will also come home to you.
If you don’t have anyone who could accompany you to the doctor (starting practice or emergency)… please call there.
This answer is excellent!
Thank you both!
You really don’t have to be embarrassed. Not really, they’re here.
If it really doesn’t leave, please call a doctor.
I hope you’ll be better again quickly 🙂
You can’t call a doctor. And for dizziness it’s not there. The notary is just like a RTW for life-threatening emergencies, but not for smaller woes like dizziness. This can wait until tomorrow and then be presented to the family doctor or alternatively under the 116117, but certainly not at the rescue service.
So as a little puppy I wouldn’t call it if you can’t even run properly anymore
And again
Lol xD
“The wise men give up” that I do not laugh. You’ve been trying to give up for hours and don’t make it. This is not wiser that is easy to provoke😂
You like to block rescue aid as much as you want and live with the private bills and the conscience that other people die because of your worries. Have fun
And another tip on the edge: Not all who do not support your opinion live in a “conspiracy” 😉
Single child your mother
live on in your conspiracy, hope you will find out soon
if I’m not sorry
They’re smarter.
Digga you just want to have the last word.
You’re not right. You don’t work in the health sector, so stop right to bending and breaking.
Oh no someone has on a Sunday times time people who make a massive effort to explain how they could act socially and thoughtfully. Oh, no one dares to criticize you.
Young honestly heul quietly and leave the working population alone
You just can’t live with not having the last word.
If you just suck it down and don’t answer me, the discussion has come. So easy. You just have to stop responding.
As long as you’re still gonna put one on, I’m gonna do that too, you genius. single child or what
I slowly feel you live in a single conspiracy
ey really I got you as kind as it was possible to leave you alone.
Nobody forces you to answer, but why are you doing this?
Nobody forces me, but I can’t let the bullshit stand like that.
you have so much free time to put on with a strange person.
I didn’t.
And I won’t let anyone insult me.
You’re stupid. I’m discussing as long as I want, no one forces you to answer. I just think it’s too amusing that you keep answering me, even though you’ve written several times, you stop now. How weak can one be to break his own statements as often.
On the subject of low ego: Do you not think that your lack of insight and the fact that you have already said four times that you do not want to discuss further and still feel so attacked that you continue to discuss, shows that on the one hand you do not take serious yourself, as you always oppose yourself and also that you know you are wrong?
The statement “easy to fly” shows how little you understood the subject. I never said that that’s what you want to read out from misunderstanding. Between “a RTW will take you to the hospital, whose spin-off costs about 1500€ and where the highest non-medical staff is sitting” and “flieg to the hospital”, as explained several times, the pediatrician, the KV doctor, a taxi and a KTW.
But if you like to do everything you want, you seem to be very happy. I’ll keep working in this area while I’ll let someone tell you my job. Why don’t you go with a few RTW layers as an intern, then you realize how unnecessary it is and how the crew of such people are like you
I repeat myself a last time and ask very kindly that you should stop discussing with me.
And then tell me I’m discussing.
I already have the feeling that you chose the wrong profession without coming close to you now.
I’ll remember the next time in my life-threatening situation I don’t need to call a RTW, but just fly.
Apparently, you’re your own slave to your own lack of empathy as a result of a low ego.
But hey, this happens every time, all right, I’m very understanding.
People make mistakes and you can’t always be right.
I wish you another pleasant day and hope I won’t meet you again.
Nice talking to you.
Maybe for you.
It’s just not like that. This is exactly the reason why the stroke of your opas, the renal colic, the child’s reanimation is not in time for help. Because we’re busy taking care of such a shit that can wait a few hours or days even without problems. That’s the problem in rescue. People like you think they’re entitled to a RTW. This is a privilege of our society and you should appreciate that. Your formulation suggests that they don’t. You treat the operatives as if they were your slaves who have to jump when you liked it.
The final decision whether you are taken and whether you are allowed to use the health insurance fund or if you refuse the T-shape and you have to pay privately the one in my circle 1600€ for disengagement is the crew and not you.
My conclusion: People call ambulances when people need one.
If you ask yourself the question, I need one, you should call one.
That’s their job.
You don’t need to call them, yes that’s true.
But there are so many reasons to call.
Discussion to the end.
Son so ridiculous. You keep discussing her all the time. There’s no need to give up just because you realize you’re wrong and you don’t remember anything.
I’m not saying that I don’t want to discuss further.
However, you continue, because you did two times after you wrote, you do not want to discuss another statement. And since I do not withdraw from the debate, I will of course answer that. What do you think? That I give you the right because you don’t want to discuss anymore?😂
digga you keep going
If you don’t want to discuss why you keep going
I really don’t have a ball to discuss with you.
A bad panic attack is for me a reason an ambulance, emergency service, 112 what I know to call.
Have a bad panic attack.
Ambulance is not the same as ambulance. This is a significant difference.
Yeah, I’m convinced I’m doing my job well. Otherwise you don’t stay there for so long and I wouldn’t get so much positive feedback by far.
A panic attack is nothing for an ambulance. Simple because you can’t do anything preclinical. You just play a cab.
To give a few examples: Mental emergencies that belong to emergency rescue would be suicide attempts, for example, because they represent a situation threatening life. A quite simple concept if you are open to understanding it.
Your example with “two broken legs” needs to be raised differently. Behind this is an accident event. Let’s say car accident or crash from a scaffold. This is an indication of use, because of the danger of a spinal injury. Here it is immobilized and transported to the KH, because an injury to the spine and possibly an associated injury to the Medulla Oblongata. So a potentially life-threatening situation. However, the RTW comes more about storage and transport technology, not because of the broken legs.
Sorry to get close, but are you doing your job right?
There are mental emergencies, e.g. a panic attack, not life-threatening but some people need an ambulance for e.g. tranquilizers.
Or how should someone come to the hospital with two broken legs?
All I’ve said so far comes from the reinstatement in a position. I’ve been working on the RTW for five years.
What do you think these “cases” you mentioned need a RTW? What are you talking about?
A RTW does not find out if it is an emergency. It’s not a guess game. He should only be called out in emergency cases
there are so many cases that are not life-threatening but still need an ambulance.
What if it really is an emergency? Who’s gonna find out?
will you put yourself in a position, what would you do?
I thought you didn’t want to discuss?
As mentioned earlier, one tends to say “I can’t sit, don’t lie, …” and it finally works.
What do you think the rescue service is different? We don’t wear anyone for a little dizziness. It’s just the same as if the guy himself has to be kind.
And as I mentioned earlier, I’m not going to take a walk to the doctor tomorrow alone. Accompaniment to the doctor, house visit, KV doctor are all possibilities that do not block the emergency. I like to repeat myself: Rescue service and emergency reception are for life-threatening conditions
but if person, not even can run, can’t even sit properly without getting the worst dizziness, how to go to the doctor independently?
fly or how?
No. This ultimately decides the RTW occupation or NotSan. Not the Laie
No shock to discuss with you.
This must be decided by the data subject!!
Of course it can, it can always.
But what is a RTW? Take her to the hospital. This can also wait until tomorrow for the doctor or make the doctor’s willingness. She can also use a taxi or with relatives, friends, acquaintances.. There is no need to block rescue equipment.
The idea of emergency rescue is that preclinically the situation can be improved. This is not the case. No rescue service.
isn’t as if there’s really something serious behind it
You don’t think what I’m talking about in the field could not run, and if it’s about driving to the hospital, it suddenly works again.
In relation to what the RD is for, Schwindel is certainly not an indication of use. You can also lie to the couch without having to be treated within the next hour and are not vitally endangered = nothing for the rescue service
You can’t call an ambulance, that doesn’t work. And because of dizziness, I’m sure you don’t get out of the control room for life-threatening emergencies. In my circle, you get a KTW maximum if you don’t get to the KV doctor anyway.
Blood pressure? Drinking and eating enough? Sleep?
If you say it’s not possible for you to wait until tomorrow and come to the doctor with the help of the doctor, call the doctor under the 116117. But this is nothing for the emergency
Call still, call the standby doctor…