Schwimmen aber bald Periode?
Hi und zwar habe ich ein Problem! In 1h gehe ich mit einer Freundin für den ganzen Tag ins Hallenbad und ich hätte meine Periode eigentlich schon am Dienstag kriegen sollen aber dann hatt der Rechner Samstag ausgerechnet und es ist immer noch nichts gekommen. Ich will aber auch nicht dann im Schwimmbad mit blutigen Bikini dasitzen. Was soll ich tun?
Take everything with you in case you get your period. I mean not only tampons or bandages, but also some things to change.
Enjoy the day! Just because the computer has calculated something, it does not necessarily have to happen today.
But if you’re at least prepared for everything. 😉
Take a tampon or something. Do you usually have any signs like underlying pain or something? If so, you’ll notice it and you can go to the bathroom quickly. Good luck
Tampon, cup, sponge. Otherwise hope and pray that nothing will happen. Don’t run like a squid.
Because she doesn’t have her period at all. Taking is likely to introduce an idea but even though she has not had her period just is not so good/healthy
Did I write somewhere that she should introduce the tampon?
You can really expect a solitary Grips from today’s youth.