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9 months ago

You don’t have to justify yourself. If you don’t like it, you don’t want it. If you don’t want to, you don’t want to. I’m sure it’s not like school swimming where you’re forced to do more or less. At that time on a class trip I never went with bath (because of dissatisfaction of my body, was also pampered), as I also said I just didn’t want to. If you were still asked a few more times if I wanted to go in, but I’ve always denied it. You’re packing it!

If you still need suggestions – if you are female, you could say you had your days (and don’t use tampons) or you have a bit of abdominal pain and don’t want to. Or you’ll take a book or something like that and say you’d rather read it. You can also just say that you generally don’t like swimming because you’re just not such a big “water rat”.

9 months ago

Just don’t go, and say it honestly, or just say you don’t like.

Or just go swimming normally.

With Ritz wounds you have to watch, of course, as your parents may also be informed, etc.

9 months ago

Then say you can’t go swimming because of the wounds