Schwimmem gehen mit Periode?
Hi Guys!
Ich gehe mit ein paar Freunden in4 Tagen schwimmen, jedoch habe ich HEUTE meine Tage bekommen. Da ich meine Tage noch nicht so lange hab, trau ich mich noch nicht Tampons zu nehmen. Ich hab’s schon probiert aber es tat etwas weh und fühlte sich nicht gut an. Meine Frage also, kann ich mit ganz normaler binde im Bikini höschen und ner schwarzen Shorts drüber schwimmen gehen, ohne Angst haben zu müssen das jmd was merkt:)
Know this and mini-tampons are the best choice. Swimming pools are not really pleasant and do not always help. Just try.
No, you can’t.
Try Tampons and talk to your mother or friends about it
No, you can’t swim with ties. Binders are made to suck up a liquid. If the absorbency of a binding is used up, it cannot absorb any further liquids. So as soon as you go into the water, the bandage sucks fully with the water and can no longer absorb blood, so it does not work. In addition, it can happen that the bandage then dissolves.
You must then use tampons/menstruation cups/soft tampons/menstruation sponge/menstruation disc. It’s not different. It is important that you use a hygiene product that absorbs blood in the body. Otherwise the blood just flows into the water. If the water is clear, you will always see red traces with you or in the water. Even if you leave the water, your panties will be red so I really recommend using a hygiene product.
I hope I could help you 🙃
If you have any questions, you can send me a friend’s request and write to me privately on a good question 🙂
Good luck 🍀
If the tampons don’t fit, you can tell the teacher that you don’t go to the water
If you’re not stupid, you should understand that.
No, I can’t. The bandage sucks completely with water and therefore does not protect.
You can use small tampons (not under stress right before swimming, but in the days until then already try out), which should not be a problem.
Take Tampons mini best and slowly insert piece for piece because at once push it doesn’t work… Use some gliding gel for emergency….