Schwiegermutter Haare schneiden und Pickel ausdrücken?
Meine Schwiegermutter möchte, dass ich ihr immer 2 Wochen, bevor sie ihren Termin beim Friseur hat, ihre Haare im Nacken schneide. Länge siehe Bild. Außerdem möchte sie, dass ich ihr so schwarze Pickel abkratze, die sonst ihr Arzt weg macht. Ich sage, dass ich das nicht mache, weil ich nicht vom Fach bin und die meint, ich mache das nicht, weil es mich ekelt.
Würdet ihr das trotzdem machen?
Not in a million years. But I would also say quite clearly that I find that disgusting 🤢
I still believe that mother-in-law is the most common ground for divorce.
The woman’s old, I’m holding out the few years, hopefully.
Yeah, I wish you luck. They say, the worse they are, the tougher they are, but definitely hope dies last 😉
No, I wouldn’t do that because I don’t like such close-to-body activities to strange people.
I’d cut her hair. Why shouldn’t that be done by the hairdresser?
I’d stumble with the pimps.
She thinks she can’t have it if her hair is so long in the neck.
No, I wouldn’t.
I wouldn’t do that at all!
I’d never do that!
No, I wouldn’t do
No, of course you don’t. You’d be liable if something happened.
That’s what the doctor wants to do. Maybe that’s skin cancer or anything else??
Oh, my God
I wouldn’t make sorry
Thank God my mother-in-law was different (God got her soulful)