Schwester schwanger wie damit umgehen?
wie in meinem Profil steht hab ich 2 Zwillingsschwestern.
Eine von beiden ist jetzt halt in Woche 17 schwanger (vor 3 Wochen bekannt geworden) und ich weiß nicht so recht wie ich damit umgehen soll. Ich meine gut, sie hat vor knapp 1 1/2 Jahren schonmal ein Kind bekommen, wo der Schreck noch viel größer war weil sie von der Schwangerschaft bis zur Geburt nix wusste. Naja egal dass is nh anderes Thema.
Naja also sie ist jetzt halt wieder schwanger und diesmal wissen wir was davon. Ich weiß allerdings nicht ganz wie ich damit umgehen soll weil diese Nachricht hat mich schon extrem umgehauen. Wir sind halt in der 9. Klasse, sind noch nicht mal 15 und haben auch noch keinen Schulabschluss.
Ist nicht so dass ich sie nicht unterstütze jetzt, ganz im gegenteil. Aber ich weiß halt trotzdem nicht so recht wie ich damit umgehen soll. Wir dachten bis vor 3 Wochen ihre Tage ausgeblieben sind noch dass ihre Essstörung vielleicht wieder gekommen ist (sie war damals magersüchtig).
Hat irgendwer Tipps wie ich es verarbeiten kann? Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter.
I just found this thread and would like to get rid of something:
I find it sad how much hate and better-wisserei gets this post. As is written by the Youth Office and Pro Familia and to which the parties are subject any things without knowing these and the exact circumstances.
Fact is: It is also possible with 13 or 15 years to be a responsible and loving mother. Unfortunately, this with the first friend went unhappy, we hope that the new is more responsible. I also think it is nice that there is a backing from the family and no flat-rate condemnation (if I understood it correctly).
I wish all the participants all the best!
Seeing the positive in the whole thing and thinking that you can’t change anything. Take it as it comes and see if you think about the things you might find bad or confusing. So, are they really bad?
I never meant they were bad abet the situation is funny so
No, I didn’t mean you said that. Rather, if you see some things negative, consider whether they are really so negative.
With 14 the second time pregnant? All due respect.
There have been many people on multiple levels thoroughly failed.
You can’t do anything there. You’ll just have to accept it.
Is the father known?
Is the father known?
Yeah, your new friend and a buddy of us.
He’s like old?
Why would you do it and write it down?
Paulan garden
Oh, man…
Just a month younger than we (12.02.). Well, 14. At birth then 15.
Just take some time to arrange your thoughts and feelings. There is not a perfect way for everyone to work.
Just be there for them and talk after the child is there, once again tidy with her about prevention and how grateful she can be about family support so that she will continue to have a future. Maybe she’s a little more open to you than when the parents talk about the subject, because that’s not how it goes, or soon, child 3 is on the way. Because a child unplanned, okay there you can say missing clarification, but the second at the age?
Just be there for your sister and as an aunt for the nephews or nieces.
Just to be there for them you can do this
She got a kid with 12-13??
The first kid seems to have been an accident, but now again? Why don’t you look up at the age, the most have sex at the age, or if you’re looking for…
Your sister has an eating disorder, gets her 2nd child and your sister is scratching. You should have a look at the youth office.
And RTL2 hasn’t knocked you yet? The story sounds like the typical evening program with them….
But to the question: You can’t do anything except your sister can support it as well. Just take it and admit it that you don’t ruin your life like her.
Go with her to Pro Familia, who also advises on contraception. Your sister doesn’t seem to be able to do this alone. She’s completely irresponsible. A family aid can be organised through the Youth Office. You need it urgently, or your sister’s gonna get pregnant five times. A psychotherapy would be appropriate.
What do you mean she’s irresponsible? She’s not irresponsible. The first mouse was unplanned and unconscious
She doesn’t pay attention to contraception, I mean.
The first was unplanned, but the second one shouldn’t have been.
You can only help her as well as possible.
Your sister gets her second child at 14 years?
There’s a lot of things going wrong with the reconnaissance.
Your sister needs support and hopefully receives support from your parents.
You can’t change that, take it as it is.
Your parents hopefully allow her to make her graduation and training.
Yeah, so my sister gets all our support. My grandma always fits when we’re in school for my niece. My mother always looks after her when my grandma has appointments. However, my parents are self-employed with 2 hotels and that’s why my grandma is mostly mystical. From the daddy of my niece my sister has now separated (the relationship has become more toxic) and now has a new friend (papa from the 2nd baby).My parents also try to make us possible a school degree and an education.
Why is this all so strange to me?
How can you not know that you are pregnant at the latest when the child enters you notice
In fact,