Sister won't let me lose weight?
And before anyone thinks "puberty" is normal, "arguments" are normal, no!!!
She adds violence. Hits me, pinches my stomach, scratches me. Pushes me against the wall.
Whenever you talk about food, she blocks it and immediately goes berserk, saying, "NOOO!" She hates the word "healthy." As for her, she's pretty thin.
But she moves around a lot and doesn't want me to move. What should I do? My parents are overwhelmed. Psychological help hasn't helped so far. No one takes me seriously. I'm suffering because of it. I just want her to make me lose weight because, unlike her, I need it.
She always eats in secret. That means she waits until I've finished eating and left. Then she eats secretly so no one sees her, or at least I don't. My parents are allowed to watch.
and much more. I can't take it anymore. But I don't know where to get help. My parents don't want psychiatric care.
As mentioned, you are not taken seriously and suffer under the circumstances even though you need help.
Everyone imagines it to be harmless but she is violently aggressive as if she had a delusion
Hello apfelkeks88.
Talk to your parents again. You’re finally responsible for both of you. Otherwise, talk to a trustee. Tell me you’re very bad.
You should ignore your sister. Don’t talk to her about food anymore. You’re still in growth. If you eat normally, not too much candy and fat, you take off by yourself.
Your sister seems to be the problem, not your figure. You have to talk to your parents. The last step would be the Youth Office.
You’re good.
💕 greetings star
Thank you!
Is there a possibility other than the Youth Office?
Please. First, your parents have to help. You have to make sure your sister leaves you alone.
Yes but I still have overweight is not so big only 1.52 I have already taken over 10 now more 10 now and then I think it is enough
At 62 kg, I don’t see any reason you have to lose. It doesn’t sound like obesity, so your sister doesn’t have quite wrong.
Yeah, talk to them. They’re responsible for you and your sister. You have to speak a word of power so your sister can finally leave you alone.
What do you think I can talk again? To make it better
I’m sorry, but I have the feeling she’s got a big one on the hustle.
I can only guess here. she probably believes in her woe, you would if you were taking off leaner and more beautiful than her and that’s exactly what she’s trying to prevent.
Yeah, but I can’t talk to anyone. Because no matter who you say it’s not that bad. Or they do not take it seriously and say it is not a problem to understand the seriousness of the situation which does not
Don’t let him finish you. Just do what you want. If your sister gets handcuffed, you don’t want one.
How old are you? How old is your sister? I once had such a similar problem I would try to collect vllt evidence? For example, if she’s annoying you, she says it’s open to the face you don’t want to take off?
My tips are unfortunately not very helpful but I try what I can and hope it might help you
I’m 16 my sister 14. She doesn’t say it directly she says no or as I said with violence. Camera becomes difficult because that would be noticeable you might have another idea
I’m sorry I can’t help you.
All good;) do we want to be friends?
Your sister wants to be the only slender and can’t have it if you’re slender. Your sister is sick and needs help.
You can take off “secretly” by leaving the candy and chips away.
Sad that parents do nothing.
Can you talk to a teacher?
Yes my parents want to do something, but a psychologist doesn’t help. No matter where you were or who you talk to, nobody takes it seriously. I have spoken to teachers all say yes this is normal puberty stop .. NO it is NOT normal and no one understands it when you can feel nowhere more comfortable because nobody likes you
I’m right to you.
It is also not normal that your sister tweaks you in the abdomen, scratches you and presses on the wall.
You have to take it seriously.
That’s a shame.
I can continue to try psychologist, but teachers do not understand the seriousness of the situation
Teachers and psychologists must help.
Unfortunately, no one really takes one seriously. Is there perhaps a way to get help out of the youth office, psychacy, or so maybe she has an assault?