Schwester ärgert immer?
ich bin 13 Jahre alt und habe eine Schwester die 20 Jahre alt ist. Sie kann es nicht akzeptieren wenn ich Nein sage. Ich sage, sie soll aufhören meine Haare anzufassen, weil es mich stört und es einfach meine Frisur zerstört. Aber sie macht einfach weiter und auch nach mehrmaligen auffordern hört sie nicht auf sondern wird immer gemeiner, beleidigt mich, schubst mich oder sonst was. Selbst kann sie es aber nicht leiden wenn jemand das bei ihr machen würde. Sie kann es einfach nicht lassen mich zu ärgern. Ich habe schon alles mögliche versucht, ich versuche ihr aus dem Weg zu gehen, aber sie fährt dann auch zum Beispiel mit wenn meine Mutter mich irgendwo abholt, wahrscheinlich extra um mich zu ärgern.
Ich wäre wirklich für jeden Tipp dankbar, was ich tun könnte.
Danke schon mal im Voraus!
Understand, no matter how old you are, you want to be taken seriously and your own limits are just as binding. Not for your “big” sister, who behaves with you very kindly. She needs a walker, she’s weak. Your limits set so far are not strong enough, apparently they must be harder. Be louder, more poisonous, more uncomfortable, but don’t hit her face and do nothing of her, then she will surely use it against you, but you can already use your hands to protect her hair from your hair. Do more with your mother, deprive your sister of any privileges, don’t tell her any private things from you. Make her clearer than before that is not possible.
I’m sorry I can’t advise you anymore, we often have to face certain situations that lead us to the limits. I also like to serve imaginary shields, imagine a massive anti-sister shield, it sounds stupid, but I have often helped. There’s power to your subconscious, and you look different when you pull all the registers.
Some may also be concerned with getting drunk with younger siblings, so that they then have a reason to put them down or point them in the barriers.
What you can do:
(a) If you’re both not alone, for example, when you’re parents or other people, you can easily laugh at the fact that your sister is totally on “struwwely” children and always makes your hair slippery. (So long until your sister can no longer hear it!)
(b) As an increase, you can always threaten (just threaten) that you cut your sister (secretly at night) or yourself a baldness soon or that you rinse your sister with soap during the next insult. Best in a tone that nobody knows what you mean or not!
What does your mother say?
Otherwise, just get louder. “Leave the shit, it’s annoying!” In doubt, hit her hand.
She also doesn’t find it good and shows it to her, but she doesn’t really care about it.
But thanks for your tip!
Then she should rule out your sister more consistently if she picks you up.
Hardener. It’s not your sister’s behavior. She’s not a toddler, she’s grown up.
I mean she’s 20 make this clear to her with me and my sister stopped when I was 12 or 13 true and she got a friend now we don’t get so often in the hair
Maybe you’ll bang her, or teach her. Then she’ll go.
Oh, my God!
you will see how fast it will be
I don’t think so. Better keep right.
nene when you hit a little louder ton it goes a bit
that would of course be the next step should not help
After how the FS describes her sister, this is apparently more likely to lead the sister to amused and only rightly annoyed with it.
But you don’t know how she’s been fighting, so maybe. I’d like her to do that enough to stop you.
I fear, however, that it only ends when the Fs seriously fights against it or the mother manages to enforce it.
Questions as to why she behaves like a toddler 😉