Schwerpunktthema eines Rechtsanwalts?

Führe derzeit ein Praktikum in einer Kanzlei aus.Dabei muss ich ein Praktikumsbericht zum Rechtsanwalt machen und stoße jetzt auf die Aufgabe “Schwerpunkt”. Verstehe nicht was dabei gemeint ist.Jemand eine Ahnung?

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2 months ago

Priorities are family law, traffic law, contract law etc. I also read your previous question. Are you really interested in the profession? Or is it just IRGEND an internship? You make yourself smart about the profession before, and you know about the term “focus”.

2 months ago
Reply to  Kabeltante1266

You don’t know what the internship is for… Lawyer internship, lawyers, etc…. who finally make different things…

2 months ago
Reply to  chilly10

You can still inform yourself about the operation beforehand. For example, the focus is on their HP. Or you can talk to the employees and show interest in their work.

2 months ago

As far as this is concerned, you should be careful. The biggest differences exist between lawyer pages for advertising purposes… they write everything, then you go to the website… and they make either just a fraction or something else. On websites… there is also a little bit of topicality.

He will certainly not be involved in everything due to data protection