Schwellungen nach Fettabsaugung?
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe mir vergangene Woche Mittwoch am Bauch und den Flanken 2 Liter fett absaugen lassen. Anschließend fand eine Straffung mit Renuvion statt. Blaue Flecken oder Ähnliches habe ich kaum.
Hatte vorher keine großen Fettmassen sondern eher Polster und ein wenig Haut die gestrafft werden sollte. Nun ist mein Bauch sehr dick, meine Hosen und Kleidungsstücke passen nicht mehr. Ist das normal und geht wieder zurück!?
Yeah, that’s normal. It’s all swollen. Didn’t the doctor tell you? Especially when the doctor has chosen a method where liquid was injected into the abdomen to release the fat.
I had a fat extraction six months ago. The abdomen is still on the abortion. That is, he’s still losing weight.
It may last up to 1 year, you are the final result. In extreme cases, even 1.5 years.
That’s normal. I should have told you about the surgery
Thank you! But I was really very insecure because many report after two days they already see the result…
After about 5 days I have already seen a reduction of the abdominal circumference of about 12 cm. However, no liquid was injected into my stomach. On the 2nd day after the surgery I looked like just before the release.
I actually know that extra lymph drainage is prescribed for aftercare
Just the one with Renuvion
And you also had a penalty. This is another intervention that causes swelling.
I hope so. Thank you. 🙏
Yeah, there’s no wonder. The liquid must get rid of the body first. I didn’t get any liquid.
I got liquid in.
Thank you! I have this from Thursday and hope this helps. I’m just a little desperate about the extent and hope it’s the swelling after the surgery!!!
This will be all swollen, give your body some time to regenerate