Schwellung neben scheide?
Hey, hatte die Frage schonmal aber kann’s jetzt besser beschreiben:
mein Eisprung war gestern mit leichten Blutungen. Bin vorher aufgewacht und spüre einen Schmerz wie bei einer Schwellung beim Gehen leicht aber eher beim sitzen.
man sieht rein gar nichts und es ist auch nicht wirklich dick. Es ist genau der gleiche Schmerz wie wenn man länger auf einem unbequemen Fahrradsattel gesessen ist. Gleicher Schmerz gleiche „Area“
kommt das vom Eisprung? Sind es vielleicht Wassereinlagerungen?
So if it’s a similar pain as the bicycle chair, it might be a stretched basin floorbecause these are the muscles on which you sit while cycling.
Look here:
Cycle phases and pelvic floor | KraftRuheLiebe
That’s the best thing to do, thank you!!
Strangely, I have that since yesterday. Nothing to see, but hurts hell. My first guess was swollen lymph nodes, but I don’t think they’re sitting there. You’ll probably have to bear it for a few days, see if it goes away from your own and if necessary visit a doctor.
Could it be a deep abscess with you? You don’t see it, but it hurts very much and usually disappears from itself.
Hmm ne I don’t think it’s so bad, also doesn’t hurt hell with me like a blue stain…. Did you have your ovulation?
Not at the moment, no.
I am sadly also overwhelmed, had never had this before and can’t explain it logically to me.
Yes, I actually drove three hours and there was probably one or other polterer. Probably the 😅. I still hurt.
But funny, you asked the same day.
If you know what I’m thinking, yesterday I drove a folding bike on a field, probably because of it…. Think you had some sort of activities?
Yes, I too, but this is going to go away, nevertheless thanks for your help
I can imagine that this is coming from your ovulation. If it doesn’t get better, you should just go to the doctor.
The ovulation doesn’t happen, your ovaries are in the abdomen.
Can be a grown-in hair or a pimple that soon passes through.
But it is on both sides and radiates exactly the same. In the direction
Hello, that sounds like an internal inflammation. If you stop the complaints, you should check your gyn and check it out.
LG :