Schweller an Betonklotz kaputt gemacht bin ich Schuld?

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Ich wollte letztens nach meiner Fortbildung wieder nachhause fahren (17 Uhr, also war schon ziemlich Dunkel). Beim ausparken hat mir dieser Beton „Parkplatzabstandshalter„ den Schweller „kaputt“ gemacht. Da ich ihn nicht gesehen habe. Jetzt ist meine Frage (ich weiß eigentlich bin ich ja selber schuld), aber ich finde diesen Abstandhalter viel zu groß und ist nicht markiert mit Reflektoren. Und da ich nur sowas mit Reflektoren kenne ist meine Frage ob dieser so „rechtens“ ist da ich nicht der erste war wo sowas passiert ist.

Ich freue mich über jede Antwort und entschuldige mich für eventuelle Rechtschreibfehler.

ich möchte die Schuld nicht bei jemand andren suchen. Ich will nur wissen ob dieser Klotz rechtens ist nach einer Norm oder sonst etwas. Senf von gelangweilten Leuten die sich damit nicht auskennen und negative Antworten schreiben brauch/ möchte ich nicht. Wie oben beschrieben ja ich weiß es ist meine Schuld

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2 years ago

Of course, you could have seen him somehow, you wouldn’t have seen him.

As little as I like such things and can understand your frustration, you already drove your car into the parking space. You should have noticed that there was such a concrete block.

And even if someone else should have parked the car, you can look at the exact situation before you look around the car.

2 years ago

When I parked out, this concrete “parking distance holder” made me the sleeper “caputt”. Because I didn’t see him.

Wrong, not the concrete block broke your sill, but you. You have to get up for damage to your vehicle and the concrete block itself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Undercoverbot

Then you can try to sue the owner of the parking lot. However, your task is to make sure that nothing is in the way before departure.

2 years ago

Sure you’re guilty. You drove, not the concrete block

2 years ago

I understand that the damage is annoying to you, and that would upset me too.

Let’s play judges and plaintiffs.

Complainant: The concrete strip is there without marking, you have to drive.

Judge: You couldn’t see the concrete strip?

Complainant: Nö.

Judge: You have a driving licence?

Complainant: Sure.

Judges:Then they know that before the start of the trip the lighting equipment must be controlled. (§17 StVO) If they haven’t seen the clot, they should make a visual test.

The applicant shall pay the costs of the proceedings.

Any questions?

2 years ago
Reply to  ProfDrDrStrom

But I don’t have to go around the car for control.
With my oldtimer there is a “test” button, then a defective lamp is actually reported.
comment image

And with my more modern vehicle it is simply displayed in the tacho.

But I must assume that someone who parked the car there also knows that there were such concrete blocks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amalia95

Your test key will show you dirty blinkers? You don’t believe it yourself.

So, you have to go around the car!

2 years ago

Look at the other answers that all go in your direction. I consciously chose my answer to show that a dispute is lost at the end for the FS.

2 years ago

Inside is also max. 50km/h allowed, most drive faster.

I’m always at the speed inside.
But that’s another issue.

The fact is still what I said earlier.
The questioner has also parked there before, so he should be aware of that there are such concrete blocks.
And yet you should also always look left and right next to the parked car to see if someone has dropped something.

2 years ago

It doesn’t matter to the judge.

Control is in the StVO.

That’s practically no one, but that’s not the point.

Inside is also max. 50km/h allowed, most drive faster.

2 years ago

Dirty lamps actually don’t show me. But whether you believe it or not. The car is kept very clean. It’s an old-timer. ;

2 years ago

Hello Underco banned

Such spacers should actually be in any parking place, then not cars, as often, could block two parking spaces

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

Looks like private property you can use because the owner allows to park – something is at your own risk.

2 years ago

The question would be what should have been violated here.

If I drive against a wall or fence, I can’t say that the damage would not have happened if the wall or fence had not been there…

2 years ago
Reply to  AlexausBue

Where the bad walls always jump on the street…

2 years ago
Reply to  Undercoverbot

But in the StVO it is the same.

2 years ago

drive back home (17 a.m., so was already quite dark). When I parked out, this concrete “parking distance holder” made me the sleeper “caputt”.

This “black” isn’t there in the morning?

2 years ago

Safe is your fault:D

Or did the concrete block drive against your standing car? I don’t think so.

2 years ago

There you remain on the damage, even the damage itself proves that it was driven too fast. At max step speed, the bar would not have been moved as it would have been noticed.

2 years ago

So you have to nail a reflector to every tree now?

2 years ago

Be glad you didn’t scrape the whole side of a parkstone like that…

2 years ago
Reply to  Verofant

Or the roof…