Schweizerdeutsch schreiben – einfach ß durch ss ersetzen und fertig??
Ich ziehe vielleicht demnächst in die Schweiz. Schweizerdeutsch spreche ich nicht, aber es schreiben könnte einfach sein.
Gibt es neben dem ß/ss-Unterschied noch andere grammatikalische Unterschiede?
In the written language there are hardly any differences, only a lot of Helvetisms: Velo, Kefen, Holiday, park, grill, etc.
a propos Holiday: Does the term holiday in Germany really have a different meaning as in German Switzerland?
Yes, holidays in Germany are school holidays. As a worker you have vacation.
Thanks for clearing.
If you speak Swiss high German, with ss, Helvetismen and a Swiss accent, but Swiss German is something else.
Hochdeutsch: I found a walnut on the Stra (Double s)e.
Swiss High German: I found a tree nut on the street
German (my dialect): Ech ha ä Boumnoss uf dä Stroo (o with accent) gfondä.
And all the phrase still in another dialect: I han ä Baumnuss uf dä Strass gfunde
So that with double-S isch scho öppis where’s cre numme no in Dütschland giit. possibly no in Öschterriich.
But I guess there’s a couple of other things where s’Schwiizerdütsch vo Dütsch distinguishes.
Dane chömmed no the subsidious dialysts to where quickly again quite differently gschriibe becomes than 50km wiiter.
And wants to be so vill dialäkt giit, isch äs au very vile ä special grammar z’finde.
I swore in the Züri dialect, i.e. the hot, elpper where we chunnt Lucerne, würdi dä wholei text again with other words.
And as you grow villuously, I’m constantly breaking the verniedition with däm -li at the end.
This is good, especially the last sentence. I believe that as North Germans, the explanations will be very difficult for me. The better if it goes without 😁
I han grad serious problem ka, to the stupid text, I want to nöd uf Schwizerdütsch igstellung gsi bin (peinlich)
But thank you, you look pretty good. E
It git kei Schwizerdützsch writing, wants alli öppis different sawing. And I don’t think it’s possible to swiss whistle, if you don’t want to talk chan.
Swiss Scripture is what Say19 writes here. Just write how to speak dialect. Otherwise, written language in German Switzerland is almost as in Germany.
I’m always joking like that, sits with dä Fmailie or with my colleague. In my own way, I swear as I speak. And if the word griibe sees as evil, then it becomes evil as uf Hochdütsch usgproche. As with the Bispiil “Kollege”, the word does not speak as hard as it is.
But allei scho, the diarrhea makes s?srribe awkward always rush
No, there isn’t. You can write ss instead of β.
Yeah… and done. In Switzerland there is no sharp ß, everything becomes a double-s.
Of course you can also use the sharp s in Switzerland when ud brings your PC
We understand.
On a Swiss keyboard you don’t find it
No other riots left the ß.