Schweiz: Einzahlungsschein (QR-Rechnung) selber ausdrucken?


kann ich den Einzahlungsschein einer QR-Rechnung selber auf ein A4-Blatt ausdrucken- und schneiden? Und dann anschliessend beim Postschalter bezahlen?

Oder brauch ich dringend den originalen Einzahlungsschein, welchen man als Brief erhält?


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2 years ago

You can create and print the QR invoice yourself. Normal clean wise copying paper is also sufficient. There is also a QR code generator on the post website. I have the link from the Swiss Post below. You need to enter all data in a row. Then you can print and save the deposit card at the end.

I always control all self-made deposit cards with a QR scanner app. If it scans the code there, it also works at the post switch.

2 years ago

Of course, you can print it, so it is sent!

2 years ago
Reply to  ifoundabone

You don’t need a perforated paper! You can go to the post with the whole A4 sheet!

2 years ago

This will not happen as long as the QR code is readable. Print at home the deposit cards for rent also always on normal paper.

2 years ago

Nonsense, the post is spinning! Take a scissors and cut the note. No one uses perforated paper, is a pure businessman thing.