Schweden Wildcampen?
Ich habe zu dem Thema mehrere Fragen,
Könnte ich jetzt einfach als Deutscher Tourist nach Schweden Fahren und da Wildcampen ohne da jemanden Bescheid zu sagen? Weil anscheinend ist Wildcampen dort ja erlaubt
Wie ist das mit Feuer? Darf ich da dann auch so nen schönes Feuer machen? Also relativ klein und kein Osterfeuer oder so
kann ich auch lebende Bäume nutzen? Nicht fällen aber Äste zum Beispiel nutzen?
Yes, you can.
From courtesy, however, one keeps enough distance from homes.
You can fire too. However, there are also restrictions. Inform yourself on site, otherwise this can be very expensive and the travel fund is empty.
No, you don’t cut around on other trees. What would you say if someone saw your oaks?
In short: YES, JEIN, NO 😉
Yeah, you can camp in the woods and live there.
JEIN, you can do a fire. But you need to consider some things. You must prevent a fire from spreading. It often sounds simpler than it is, and in many people it has gone wrong. Everyone thought they were under control. It’s starting with a lot of attention to the weather. There are many other factors.
No, you don’t take wood from living trees. Apart from that the damp wood doesn’t burn really well anyway, it doesn’t make sense to take that where there is enough.
It is always important to observe the restrictions. Permanent camps are not allowed. The next morning you have to move on. With great dryness it is sometimes forbidden (for good reason) to ignite a fire on the (forest) floor. This is generally not allowed on stones and rock blocks. If you continue, you have to take everything along and leave no waste. There have already been cases in which tourists, based on the right of everyone, were booting over the terrace of residents who drank coffee there. That’s not so popular.