Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte und Alkoholgehalt?
Habe ein kleines Stück Schwarzwälder kirschtorte gegessen von Supermarkt und da stand jetzt ganz unten dass da Alkohol enthalten ist.
Ist das sehr viel?Wird das irgendwie anschlagen oder werde ich nichts spüren?Weiß nämlich nicht wie viel da enthalten ist.
There is only very little alcohol, you will not feel it.
Thank you for the star 🌟
there’s cherry brandy in there, yes, but it’s very little. If you’ve never drank before, and so it could be that you feel a little effect from a piece, but it’s over in one or two hours at the latest. more likely is that you can’t feel anything.
Do you know how much alcohol content in it is in that of supermarket brand doctor oetker?
no, that doesn’t stand on mW and partly it volatilizes during baking
The schnapps comes into the whipped cream, there’s nothing going on.
You don’t notice anything about that, the quantities are marginal.
Cherry water has about 40% and there comes about. 50- 80 ml on a kilo of whipped cream. At a 16th classification you would then have about 3 5 ml snaps on a piece of cake…