Black visor allowed?

Hi guys, I have a new helmet with a black visor. I heard somewhere that it's allowed to be used during the day in good weather, but it's forbidden to ride with it at night or in the dark. Has anyone had any experience with this, for example, during a check? I've already looked in other forums, and the opinions are always about 50/50.


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5 years ago

Nothing from both. It’s a legal gray zone. Besides, it means visor…

5 years ago


Generally you can see such always wearWhether day or night!

The cops don’t do anything because it Not prohibited is. In the event of an accident, you can Partial debt as you have restricted your view. You’ll get problems with your insurance.

During night trips you can’t see anything anymore, speak from experience.


5 years ago

Is everything simple:

  • Good visibility -> no problem
  • Bad view -> big problem. Simply enter a tunnel during the day with the most beautiful sunshine or into a forest piece. You’re the first meters completely blind.

Bad sight and accident plus tinted sight -> big problem for you – as you can be imagined you could have avoided the accident with a clear sight.

5 years ago

Tinted visors are not generally prohibited. However, they may only be used in daylight.

5 years ago
Reply to  bikerfan73

Addendum: Visors must have an E-mark. Otherwise, the bans are. However, this is also true of not tinted. Consequently, the sight must be tinted by the manufacturer. Addictive tones is also prohibited