Schwarzes Loch?

Wenn man in der nähe eines Schwrzen Lochs ist ver geht die Zeit für einen Selber ja schneller als für leute auf der Erde. Würdr also ein Schwarzes Loch in der nähe der Erde auftauchen so aus dem nichts würden die Zeiger bei den Uhren anfangen sich schneller zu drehen?

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1 year ago

The pointers on the clock would be influenced by time as well as your sense of time (actually not the feeling, it is the time itself is influenced). Even if you were close to the black hole with your watch (without tearing, shining,…) the watch would go as much as before after your observation.

Only if you and the watch watch had a clear difference in distance from the black hole would it be a discrepancy (depending on whether you were looking at the black hole, you would be faster or slower).

1 year ago

Hello Nikitarns,

the pointers would be slower and also we would slow down so that we would not notice the slowing down of our watches.

Therefore, for us a far from the black hole removed Run faster.

Actual running on earth time somewhat (but not noticeable and measurable only with very precise clocks) slower than further away from the center of the solar system; responsible for this is only partly the earth itself, most of which makes the sun.

5 months ago
Reply to  SlowPhil

Suppose (purely hypothetical!) you could stay directly at the event horizon and look out into the rest of the universe: Would the time go there infinitely fast — so stand still?

5 months ago
Reply to  Hermann525

When you constantly accelerate, more and more light seems to come from the front. Right from the front.

Ultimately, he would only see a very bright light at the front (most of it is invisible ionizing radiation such as X-ray and gamma radiation, but for this, micro waves and later radio waves would be shifted into the visible area), while all the others would sink in the dark.

Similar is to be expected if someone slowly, without falling, descend towards event horizon: Almost all light he sees would come exactly from behind/outside.

5 months ago

Thanks for the answer!

1 year ago

If one is near a black hole, the time for a stranger goes faster than for people on earth.


On a watch that stands still relative to one, you will always see the time pass quickly, no matter where you are. An observer near a black hole would perceive sequences further away from the black hole as accelerated, because in comparison to there the time is slower.

That one would not notice this is because all physical processes are affected, including those that are necessary in our brains for the perception of the environment and thinking.

In principle, this happens near every mass, no matter how small it is. The effect is only too low in everyday life to determine it without very accurate watches.

1 year ago

Time is slower and not faster near a black hole.

You don’t notice anything except that the stars move in the sky.

1 year ago
Reply to  JayCeD

Except that they move stars in the sky.

And whose light becomes correspondingly shortwaver than blue.

1 year ago
Reply to  JTKirk2000

And whose light becomes correspondingly shortwaver than blue.

and not even that can be said in general.

if you stay stationary at a place (so keeps accelerating upwards) then you will see the distant stars naturally blue-shifted.

if you are in the free fall into the black hole, then you will see them in red.

1 year ago

For oneself, the time goes as usual, no matter where you are. Only for observers who are outside the black hole and watch someone flying into a black hole, the time of astronaut seems to be slower and slower.

1 year ago

You wouldn’t notice anything, no matter what happens. Your sense of time, the time itself, is as changed as the clock.

1 year ago

The virtual pointer, only the virtual!!!