Schwarzes Krabbeltier?
Hallo Zusammen,
Meine Tochter hat seit einigen Tagen vermehrt sowas wie Stiche auf den Beinen, Knien & Armen.
Wir haben gestern ein kleines schwarzes Krabbeltier in der Wohnung gefunden.
Weiss jemand was das ist und ob es möglicherweise der Verursacher der Stiche sein kann?
Viele liebe Grüße
Take a picture of the stitches and ask in the pharmacy. Maybe they can tell what this is.
The assumption lies mM closer to bedbugs or allergy. If she takes medication or certain creams, mention this in the pharmacy.
Was the spider in her room or rather in a place where she’s keeping you short?
Was in her bedroom
I don’t think it’s about the little one I think it’s more like bedbugs because they also cause stickers or a rash maybe
Usually fleas and etc are responsible for this.
What to do:
Recover all beds, sofas and similar furniture
The child should thoroughly shower or bathe
Pets combed
In a toddler, I would, if necessary, consult a doctor or at least call, because this is not always harmless.
I hope I could help
It’s a normal little spider, and it’s not responsible.
Do you have a cat or dog?
How big is the animal ca?
Approximately 0.5 cm
Then probably a mite🤔
Can the stitches cause?
They bite, yes
Is a spider
Good to see on the 8 legs
No organic?
Spinning animal*
About Corinthen stolper