Found a black, rough stone in the sea. What could it be?
Hello everyone,
My girlfriend found a black, very rough, and very light stone in the sea in Mallorca today. Can anyone tell us what this specimen is?
Thank you very much in advance! 🥳
Hello everyone,
My girlfriend found a black, very rough, and very light stone in the sea in Mallorca today. Can anyone tell us what this specimen is?
Thank you very much in advance! 🥳
I'm preparing a presentation about the earthquake in Morocco, but this presentation should have something to do with politics, so I thought I could ask a political discussion question, but I can't think of one. Can you help me? And is there perhaps something political about the earthquake that I could mention? Thanks
I'd be interested to know if you listen to rock, techno, EDM, Schlager, or anything like that. Age is welcome.
I wanted to know what kind of music you listen to
Basalt eventuell.
Wenn er SEHR leicht ist, könnte es auch Bimsstein sein.
Bimstein ist richtig. Bims ist ein vulkanisches, oft glasiges Gestein mit vielen kleinen Hohlräumen, die von Gas in der vulkanischen Schmelze herrühren. Also ein erstarrter Lavaschaum.
Bims kommt auf Mallorca nicht vor – und schwarzer Bims wäre sowieso äußerst selten (gibt es nicht im Mittelmeergebiet).
Vielleicht durch Handel? Da wäre der schwarze besonders interessant.
Eventuell Stein
Ein Stück Kohle.