Schwarzarbeit in Lebenslauf?
Angenommen jemand hat bei einem Bekannten der ein Kleinunternehmen hat für 5 Jahre auf MiniJob basis gearbeitet ohne etwas angemeldet zu haben etc. Man hat sich auf 400 euro Lohn geeinigt. Kann derjenige dann in seinen Lebenslauf schreiben:
2010-2015: Nebentätigkeit bei Firma XY?
Oder wird da vom zukünftigen Arbeitgeber nachgeprüft?
The minijob must be reported by the employer. As a result, you can also perform it when you apply.
Who needs to register the minijob?
The employer, the Minijobs setting, must: the Login. The employee has no obligations in this respect. However, if he is in the job transfer by the employment agency or the job centre, must: he his slight employment there Report.
It will be asked what your main job was with which you generated your livelihood. The tax authorities, the customs are equally interested. Have fun explaining.
In the CV it is important which professional experience you have collected everything, whether paid or not, whether black or white- the kind of billing you do not have to specify. What is important is that it actually took place and at best there is a work certificate. Even secondary activity, I wouldn’t write. Something about the company XY -> You have gained experience there.
If it was black, I wouldn’t write it in. I don’t think someone’s checking it, but you never know, but as far as I know you don’t have to pay taxes for 400€ job, why didn’t you sign up? Would have been good for the pension.
I wouldn’t say it. I have 5 years my friend or uncle whatever it’s always been helped by the job you did.
Please like👌
Since when is this a side job based on mini-job black work?
The mini-job, if your acquaintance has done everything right, keeps control.
So if that went clean, you can lead this activity.
It was not registered as I said
Then it wasn’t a mini-job either.
where and what have the 40 years worked to get only minirente?
question this before you set up image-level affirmations .
People who have been working for over 40 years now have to collect pedestal bottles because they don’t come as if they’re different.
then the “worker” is suspicionable and you lack the old pension!
However, a secondary activity that has not been registered
If he wants an insurance data extract, the question will ask why the job is not on it.
Some have only called for it in the aftermath.
The employer can, of course, also look at times.
The worker could question the company, but of course he would say that he was there 5 years too
You should be able to show such things about points.
You asked that before, didn’t you?
Future employers don’t see if you worked black or not.
And then write:
Incidentity as…
write it in, play with open cards
How is that supposed to be checked? Nope.