Schwänzen und Busfahrer ruft Polizei?
Also angenommen ich würde morgen trotz Schule zu einer Freundin fahren und den Bus nehmen der Busfahrer checkt ja Safe das ich Schule hab wegen Meinem Schulranzen so Wirt er dann die Polizei rufen also ist das denn seine Pflicht ? Wie wahrscheinlich würde er oder sie denn das tuen?
Obligation: nö
Joy: yes
What is meant
If you don’t understand, you definitely lack too often at school!
I just don’t know if I understood it right, so it’s not the bus driver’s duty, but he’s enjoying it or?
Thank you, however, why very high I mean it doesn’t make the bus driver, or
Sure it does. Otherwise he could pack his stuff.
Hm okey but thanks honestly
Best solution: go to school
So thank you for the answer and very nice they don’t want that I managed in difficulty but that wasn’t my question and unfortunately does not help me…
Always happy
It’s also necessary if I read the pen!