Schwangerschaftstest zu lange in Urin gehalten negativ?

Hallo ich habe heute morgen einen Schwangerschaftstest (Frühtest) gemacht. Soll in 5 Tagen meine Periode bekommen. Meine Brustwarzen tun schon seit Tagen weh und habe auch ab und zu, Unterleibsschmerzen und vermehrten Ausfluss. Habe den Schwangerschaftstest von Testamed benutzt habe den allerdings 20 Sekunden in den Becher reingehalten. War das zu lange? Weil in der Pakungsbeilage stand nicht wie lange ich den reinhalten soll. Was meint ihr ist der Test richtig ausgefallen oder dadurch verfälscht?

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8 months ago


Too long inside does not make the test get wrong.

Rather, a test can become incorrectly positive because the probability of a evaporation line is increased. If the test is tuned in shorter than 20 seconds, then the probability that it is incorrectly negative is higher.

So if the test was negative, you can trust in each case and do not have to do a second. As I said, wrongly negative, it will not hold the opposite by too long in it.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



8 months ago

He won’t be negative as soon as you put it in too long. You can’t put it in too long anyway, at most too short so that not enough urine has been absorbed.

8 months ago

Can’t be said. Repeat the test from the day when the period really stays away, everything else is just guessing puzzles (also with an early test).

By the way, you wouldn’t have any signs of pregnancy

8 months ago


1. It’s very well in the package leaflet.

Two. 5 days before period is usually not completed, so most tests are still negative despite snagency.

3. Symptoms can be found in SSW 5 or 6 if at all, so that is imagination or has other reasons.

8 months ago

Early tests are not very reliable. I’d wait until you’re overdue and then make a test.

8 months ago

These are no signs of pregnancy at the stage. You don’t notice anything.