Schwangerschaftstest verschiedene Ergebnisse?
Ich habe gestern aufgrund von auffallendem Erbrechen mehrere Schwangerschaftstests gemacht. Der Tag an dem ich das letzte Mal Sex hatte war vor ungefähr einem Monat (ungeschützt).Der erste digitale von clear Blue war positiv ( schwanger 1-2) die anderen zwei (nicht digital) negativ. Heute bei meinem Frauenarzt wurden dann drei Tests gemacht. Zwei von der selben Firma waren negativ, einer von einer anderen positiv. Meine Blutergebnisse kommen erst nächste Woche und ich soll nochmals in 1-2 Wochen einen Test nachholen. Ich halte das Warten kaum aus und wollte nur wissen ob noch jemand so eine Erfahrung gemacht hat und was dann schlussendlich rauskam?
I think you’re just pregnant relatively early, maybe your cycle has shifted that can happen. I got pregnant the day I was supposed to have got my period, the clearblue showed me after 10 days that I was pregnant. It’s actually very reliable.
This can happen at the beginning, tests are different sensitive. With a low hormone level, some can be positive, while others are still negative.
If you had your period after unprotected sex, pregnancy is relatively unlikely.
You had sex about a month ago and then your period bleeding.
Because of the negative or weakly positive (“pregnant 1-2”) tests, I would assume that you were pregnant but had a miscarriage.
Highly sensitive test can then be applied to the residual hCG.
Happy for you!
There is no false positive in the normal case. Wrong negative even if the test is not sensitive enough.
If the vomiting would come from a pregnancy then every test would be bang-positive. The nausea is reflected by a very high HCG and tests a pregnancy test.
How exactly do you want to be pregnant if you had your period in the meantime?
In addition, even every early test would be too early.
Some women still get them and what was strange, they came shortly after what never happens to me.
You will now be realistic but not exactly this one in a billion exception.
And my period came 3 weeks ago not 2
Ah just read it, no woman gets her period. These are bleeding or insect bleeding which are clearly weaker.
There is already a serious difference between a few drops of blood at inhalation vs. the period that lasts for days. You’d remember.
In my demand. questioner had her period 1-2 weeks ago
Yes definitely. The only thing I’d remember was maybe that she had a finish and the tests are still positive.