Schwangerschaftstest trotz pille?

Hey Leute:)

ich verhüte seit einem Monat mit der Asumate 30.

ich verhüte nicht doppelt, sprich nur mit der Pille. meine Frage wäre folgende:

sollte ich zur Sicherheit schwangerschaftstests machen? Oder wie macht ihr das?
liebe Grüße ☘️

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5 months ago

What for?

The pill is 99.98% safe when properly taken. This means that if you take it right, a pregnancy is virtually impossible except there is a production error which is extremely unlikely.

She’s the safest contraceptive.

5 months ago

No, I trusted my contraceptive – if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have taken it anyway.

And I’ve been careful that there’s no panning like forgetting or taking too late and if I’ve had diarrhea or vomiting, then I’ve only thought about whether it’s necessary, and then I’ve taken a pill.

Then no tests are necessary for “safety”.

If you don’t trust the pill and think you need more “safety”, then a condom would still be more sensible than to make a test later.

5 months ago

If you take the pill correctly, pregnancy is virtually excluded.