Schwangerschaftstest positiv, obwohl vorher negativ?

Bitte sagt mir ich irre mich, hab vor 3-4 Stunden ein test gemacht, da war er negativ, und jetzt wird er langsam positiv?? Geht das? Steckt was dahinter?

Ich hab graf so viel Stress in mir das ich so schmerzen hab im Unterleib. Bitte um hilfe!!

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4 months ago

A correct and at the right time read Test is positive when a second thick, bold, colored line (or plus) appears in the result field.

If a weak test line appears within the reading period, it may be a pregnancy at a very early stage – e.g. before the period remains.

If such a weak line appears later, it is not a pregnancy, but rather a “evaporation line”. Then this “result” is invalid.

That is why the manufacturers also provide a reading time.

Happy for you!

4 months ago


This is called evaporation line because this reading period is precisely because such lines or, respectively, evaporation lines can arise.

The best way to paint the test after performing or after the reading period on the test field black and throw it away in order not to be allowed to break

That’s how he looks positive:

This is how a evaporation line looks:

You can also look Googlen like the evaporation lines of the brand you use.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



4 months ago
Reply to  Sonnenblume475

Yes then it is 100% a evaporation line. You are NOT pregnant

4 months ago

Yeah, that’s gonna stay like that with very high probability. If you are overdue for 4 days, it should definitely be positive

4 months ago

So on the packaging and confirmed by my doctor, only the result that is initially displayed in the first few minutes. If a second line appears later, it should not be evaluated. I’ve had it before, negative first, and a second line for a few hours. Wasn’t pregnant.

4 months ago

So reading a test after 3-4 hours is not correct that the test can of course display incorrect results.

How long are you. Overdue?

I’d definitely take another test and read it in the right time.

If you are not overdue, you can also make an early test otherwise wait and repeat in a few days

4 months ago
Reply to  Sonnenblume475

Then wait another 2 -3days and make a test again and best with the morning urine (medium beam) so first let some urine in the toilet get caught and the rest back in the toilet.

4 months ago

If you don’t say that, it can be that something like that is naturally delayed or completely left out.

4 months ago

read packing supplement helps! The result is displayed in most tests within a quarter of an hour, and not after several hours.

4 months ago
Reply to  Sonnenblume475

No positive applies only in this 10 min. All after that is a evaporation line (shadow many Corona fast tests as well)

4 months ago

so look