Schwangerschaftstest negativ im KH?
Hallo ihr lieben,
ich war am am 18.10.23 im KH, durch die Untersuchung haben sie mir auch gleich Harn abgenommen, und auch ein Schwangerschaftstest durchgeführt, sie sagten er wäre negativ. Ich bin aber seit 4 Tagen überfällig, es fühlt sich nicht mal so an das meine Tage kommen. Eig habe ich immer kurz davor Anzeichen. Noch einen Test aber irgendwie auch sinnlos da er ja negativ war .
Such a female body is not a Swiss precision watch movement 🙂
If the test is negative, you are obviously not pregnant.
The period can be postponed by various circumstances, stress is very high. Depending on why you were in the KH, it can get the body confused. All right. Wait and drink tea.
You’re not pregnant! The test clearly proved that. Even if you wish so much a child, it didn’t work this time.
You can be overdue for many reasons. It happens that the menstruation is moving.
I had this on my last cycle too. There came my period – which is actually quite reliable and regular – once a week later than expected. That’s it.
Has a pregnancy blood or urine test been made in the hospital?
You haven’t been overdue yet, and a urine test hasn’t been meaningful yet.
Otherwise, look at my post here:
Happy for you!
The period is not a movement that can always move. If the test is negative then I don’t understand the meaning of asking the question here ?
I can still ask the question I want if it doesn’t suit you then just write nothing thanks.
🤦🏻 ♀️ So slowly I think all people are completely brazed here. Where in my answer is that I have a problem with the question ? Don’t understand the question is a difference like having a problem with it.