Ist es zu spät 3-4Wochen nach gv ein SchwangerschaftsTest zu machen ich hatte meine periode vor einer Woche ich wollte trotzdem ein Test machen der war negativ das war 3-4 Wochen nach gv der Test war negativ ich hab auch ein Test 13 Tage nach gv gemacht der war auch negativ ich hab auch keine Schwangerschaftsanzeichen also bin ich 100%nicht schwanger?
Then a test is pointless, because a bleeding in the usual period type, intensity and duration excludes an intact pregnancy.
That was too early.
Pregnancy tests are meaningful from 19 days after sexual intercourse. If there is an intact pregnancy, you can do pregnancy tests until the birth, as many as you want – they will always be positive.
In the end, a pregnancy test can only be done too early, but not too late.
Since you had your period and additionally the test was negative, you are not pregnant.
Too late would be a test after birth.
It’s pointless to test if you had the period. Pregnancy and period exclude each other.
Thank you.
A pregnancy test cannot be made too late. If you’re not pregnant, he doesn’t show any pregnancy and if you are, he will show it throughout the pregnancy.
so I am not pregnant because after 3-4 weeks it should be visible on the test