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2 years ago

I assume that you are not yet due and is simply too little hCG in the urine.

2 years ago

Very simple: the 10s are more sensitive than the 25s.

The numbers mean that the 10 is already positive in the urine from 10IU/l HCG and the 25 is positive in the urine only from 25 IU/l HCG.

If still too little HCG in urine is for the normal test, then the last is negative and the very sensitive early test is positive.

If you wait a few more days, the normal test will also be positive.

2 years ago


When did you do the tests? Both on a day?

One makes a pregnancy test (preferably after obesity) with the first morning urine, since then the HCG value can be measured more easily in concentrated form. After that, it can happen that the concentration is too low.

Why do you ever measure multiple times? A positive test is called appointment with the female doctor. This constant measurement only insecures unnecessarily and brings nix at all.

Best regards
