Schwangerschaftsdiabetes, wie oft hattet ihr zu hohe werte?


Ich bin in der 29. SSW und habe Schwangerschaftsdiabetes.
Bei meinem letzten Frauenarztbesuch wurde festgestellt dass mein Kind gerade an der Grenze zwischen zu schwer und Normalgewicht ist. Heißt: noch ist alles gut aber er darf nicht so schnell noch schwerer werden.

Ich messe jeden Tag 4x meine Werte. Als ich bei meinem Diabetologen war waren von 28 Messungen waren 6 werte zu hoch. Der Diabetologe meinte das ist alles noch im Rahmen ist aber ich mache mir dennoch sorgen da mein Kind schon so schwer ist.

Hat bzw. hatte jemand von euch SS Diabetes und hatte auch zwischendurch erhöhte Werte? Wir sind eure Erfahrung allgemein mit SS Diabetes?

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1 year ago

Hello dear

I have the pregnancy with diabetes behind me.

Did your diabeologist advise you about nutrition? There are natural things to consider like less sugar, dough products, better on whole grain products (even rice), if potatoes, then leave something in water to get the starch out. Before warm meal, eat the best salad, as this slows down the digestion and the sugar does not shoot so quickly. If breakfast is then made of whole grain the rolls or I chose wrap, as there is less dough than the bread.

When chocolate, then I was recommended with full nuts, as the chocolate needs to digest longer through the nuts.

It is still to be noted that at the end of pregnancy it is more and more difficult with blood sugar levels. That is, as with me, the diet alone may not be enough and one should, if necessary, have to. Squirting insulin. I always had to do it in the evening, normally I would have to do it during the day. BUT we had a stand bike from the Corona period and after which I started the meal, I left myself for 30 minutes to eat and then I sat on the bike. The values before the bike were already at 180/190, so really very high, after that I could even eat Duplo and those were at 130-145. Why don’t you ask if someone has something like that and then use it. It took me more than walking and I could just do it at home in front of the TV.

Otherwise, look around for the clinic. The best way to go with the children’s station is to drop the sugar from your baby after the child’s birth and to control it in the children’s station. If your hospital hasn’t, your baby must be moved. The hospitals with children’s station also offer a pre-debate before birth, which I recommend to you. It was simply conducted an examination as with the female doctor and recorded some additional notes. That’s exactly how the doctor told me to report to ET right now and the birth is initiated, although the values were stable. The good thing was, they’ve had everything from me, so I could just call, divorce and come by right away. You don’t have to register.

Since the baby works for the mother during pregnancy, it is recommended (from my doctor in the hospital) to administer baby food immediately after the birth. The midwife in the Kreißsaal, who took us, probably did not read it, so we asked ourselves. Then came a comment: do not want to put it on your own. I then replied: already, due to diabetes, he should get the bottle. That was also good as his sugar was checked again about 4-5h later, it started to fall and so it could be handled with another bottle. So it is very advantageous if a clinic knows something like that.

Hope could help you with so many information 🙂 if you have any questions, I would like to report to you, as I have received very few information and had to look for everything or find out for myself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jome229

Yeah, if it’s a little higher in a week, it’s not bad. As I said, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep blood sugar in the standard.

No we were very petty 🙂 only if you do not pay attention to nutrition, the child becomes heavier. I was ultra-sonic every 2 weeks and then the birth was 50cm and 3170grams 🙂

1 year ago

Only in the test were they supposed to (!) exorbitant high, then not once. The child was also completely developed normally.

If you mean that your values aren’t okay, turn to the diabeologist.