4 Wochen nach Schwangerschaftsabbruch Test noch positiv oder wieder Schwanger
4 Wochen nach Schwangerschaftsabbruch Test noch positiv oder wieder Schwanger
Rein aus Interesse; gibt es irgend jemanden hier der schwimmen war und es im Schwimmbad los ging? Bzw die fruchtbarste riss? also zum Ende hin
Hi ich sitze gerade mit meinem Kind(9) und einer Freundin im Bus.Ich und meine Freundin müssen beide ziemlich dringend auf Klo.Habt ihr Tipps für uns? Meine Freundin ist im 5. Monat schwanger.
Ich hatte eventuell einen Einnahme Fehler in der ersten Einnahmewoche der Pille und hatte in diesen Tagen GV. Exakt 3 Wochen nach dem GV kam wie sonst auch immer meine Abbruchblutung (Stärke wie immer). Fällt die Periode bei einer eventuellen Schwangerschaft immer direkt aus oder kann es in meinem Fall auch sein dass sie nicht…
Hallo ihr Lieben Bin in der 17 ssw und kann es einfach nicht mehr aushalten. Seit 2 Wochen schwitze ich so sehr, dass es mir einfach unangenehm ist. Ich kann duschen, mich frisch mit Deo einsprühen und rieche nach 1 std wieder vermehrt nach sehr starkem schweiß. Ich trinken genug mache auch aktuell nicht viel…
Hello, dear,
I have already read a very helpful answer from Isebise. I think that can help you. Look here:
I wish you that your story is good.
Thank you.
Can you openly talk to your partner about worrying? Does he push you to sex?
Thank you for the star! 🌟
But how is it that you have to worry about being pregnant so soon after the abortion?
Yes, I can speak openly with my partner and he doesn’t push me. He also knows about the whole thing, but unfortunately you can’t do anything for Sunday night
Possible consequences of abortion
An abortion of pregnancy does not always remain unsuccessful.
An abortion can no longer be reversed. The life of a young person is terminated. In this sense, abortion is something final – both for the child and for the mother, whose life this intervention belongs irrevocably from now on.
There is still much too little talk about the consequences of abortion. Many women are not informed or incomplete about this before the demolition. In particular, the psychological consequences are often not dealt with in detail enough so that it is unnecessary for women to make a self-determined and responsible decision.
The consequences of abortion depend on different factors:
Possible physical consequences
Possible psychological consequences
After the first shock caused by the surprisingly positive pregnancy test, the abortion often appears as the only “solution of the problem”. However, sincenumerous new problemsa look at the alternatives to abortion:
Career family
Baby flap
Anonymous / Confidential Birth
Mother-child facilities
Alternatives to Abortion | Lebenshelfer
Would a new pregnancy be possible at all? Did you have sex without contraception or a contraception after the demolition? If yes, a new pregnancy would be possible, but that a test already detects a pregnancy 4 weeks after the abortion, I think more unlikely… To be sure, you should either be a female doctor or take a test in 2 weeks. And if you don’t want children, you shouldn’t want to worry about prevention if there may be 2x what went wrong in a short time.
Up to 6 weeks after termination, the test can still be positive.
Rather pregnant. Let it go.
Can’t tests work properly after weeks?
Tests work 99.9% correctly.
It was actually because my HCG was still increased by the demolition. The test is now completely negative 🙂
The pregnancy hormone content is highest in the early months and decreases with progressive pregnancy…
Not after a correctly performed excavation in the early stage. We’re not talking about five months up here.
Bullshit. The test can still be positive up to 6 weeks after demolition
Depending on the method of demolition, it is almost immediately zero.
Either way, you have to go to the doctor.
But because of the HCG value, since it was just 4 weeks ago
Probably pregnant again.
I have read that tests weeks after that cannot work properly, but I am still uncertain 😅
From the doctor