Schwanger und Freund hat sich getrennt?

Hallo Leute,

Ich bin gerade sehr am verzweifeln, ich bin jetzt im 5. Monat schwanger und wir hatten ab dem 2/3 Monat sehr oft Streit. Wir haben beide keine schönen Sachen gesagt und uns verletzt. Wir haben beide Fehler gemacht und ich hab ihm die Zeit nicht gegeben die er eventuell gebraucht hätte.
Er ist jetzt mit einer Freundesgruppe die ihn dazu bringen das noch mehr Hass entsteht zwischen uns. Er redet komplett kalt und mit Hass mit mir und sagt er will von dem Kind und von mir nichts mehr wissen.
Er hat über die Beziehung kein Alkohol getrunken und geht jetzt wieder jedes Wochenende in die Bar und sauft sich da einen rein.

Kann es sein das er mit der gesamt Situation überfordert ist? Oder hasst er mich wirklich so sehr und meint alles ernst was er gesagt hat?
Was kann ich machen das er zu mir zurückkommt oder mir zuhört…? Ich möchte doch nur ihn an meiner Seite das wir gemeinsam unsere Familie aufbauen.. 🙁

Danke schonmal im Voraus 🙂

liebe Grüße


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5 months ago


It seems to me that with his role as a future father he does not yet manage. If I were, I would write him a letter ✍️. Yes, it may be old, but sometimes you can express yourself better in writing. Imagine your situation and your feelings and say that you would like it if you could walk the path as parents together as a couple. After he got the letter, I’d hold my feet still in your place. It can be good that he will then consider himself a better one and come back to you. Got some gedult. To love your child might try to distract you with things that are fun and calm you down. I wish you all the best for the situation and pregnancy. Get family support or if you need a crisis service. We’ll push you and your kid the thumbs.

5 months ago

It’s a pity, it’s as if nobody really wanted that, and yet unfortunately it’s gone that way.

For the human participation in the young family, it is of course impossible to force it, but it is subject to maintenance as a father of witness. Perhaps that would be the reason for him to go back to himself if he really wants to come up for 25 years for a family in which he is not involved.

I wish you could express your differences and regain and then live peacefully with each other.

5 months ago

You won’t be able to force him to build a family together with you. But as it sounds, you might be better off without him.

he doesn’t want to know anything about the child and me.

He can say that! In any case, he is committed to maintenance, even to you in the first years, to the child for many years.

Happy for you and the child!

5 months ago

Hey you,

So I’m really sorry that’s not so good…

But yes I think he is really much too overwhelmed but a question you have not somehow prevented or so or did he not want?(you don’t have to answer if you don’t want it)

It is best to be honest if you simply let it and live your life with your child this type is to my opinion a not so good person and yes I do not think that you want your child to have a vater that is so.

5 months ago

Oh, okay, I’d rather keep a distance so if I were you…

5 months ago

Forever, I would be honest

5 months ago

Maintenance and so on

5 months ago

Please come to you and talk about everything.