Schwanger trotz Pille?
Ich hatte vor 3 Wochen Gv habe die woche danach Unterleibschmerzen gehabt und dann meine Blutung bekommen und dann auch Unterleibschmerzen. Jetzt habe ich noch immer bisschen Unterleibschmerzen. Der Test ist aber Negativ.
Kann ich Schwanger sein oder wie?
After you get your days 1 week later, you’re not pregnant.
But does this also apply to bleeding with the pill?
You take the pill, have your days and have a negative pregnancy test. You are not pregnant
If you had your days, you are not pregnant
Wait. In rare cases you can become pregnant despite period was so with my girlfriend
This is because the sperms can survive a short time in the vagina. But if she had her days only a week after the GV, that is very unlikely