Schwanger trotz Pille?
Ich nehme regelmäßig die Pille und ich hatte vorletzte Woche (geschützten) Geschlechtsverkehr mit meinem Freund. Diese Woche hätte ich eigentlich meine Periode bekommen sollen, dies ist jedoch bisher nicht der Fall und eigentlich bekomme ich diese auch regelmäßig. Letzte Woche hatte ich sehr viel mentalen Stress, hab viel geweint, wenig bis kaum gegessen und, und, und… Nun mache ich mir Gedanken ob ich Schwanger sein könnte oder ob es daran liegt das ich letzte Woche meinen Körper sehr gestresst hab. (Die Kondome waren alle dicht, er hat auch zur Sicherheit Wasser reingefüllt um zu gucken, ob da wirklich kein Loch ist.)
Was sind die typischen Anzeichen einer Schwangerschaft und wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit trotz Pille schwanger werden zu können? Wann sollte ich ein Schwangerschaftstest kaufen zur Sicherheit?
If you take the pill regularly, do not testify, do not have diarrhea and do not take any medicines that affect the effect of the pill, you have taken the pill regularly at least 14 days before the break (does not apply to the Belara and the like, there are 21 days), the break does not take longer than 7 days and you will not take it at the latest on 8th. Day again with the pill (applies to most pills), then you are also protected in the pause (in which you get a bleeding and no period) and immediately afterwards (so uninterrupted), to 99.9% (the missing 0.1% refer to unnoticed or unadmitted intake errors according to expert opinion). You are also still protected in vomiting and really liquid diarrhea if you reagier properly and take a pill when it happens within 4 hours after taking the pill. In this case, only really aqueous diarrhea counts as diarrhea. If that’s true, you can’t get pregnant. The pill is one of the safest contraceptives and if you are both healthy you can dispense with the condom and he can also come in you.
The bleeding can already be weaker, come late or stay out at all, she doesn’t say anything about whether you’re pregnant or not. It is only important that the pill break never lasts longer than 7 days. On the eighth day you start again with the first pill of the new blister, regardless of whether you had a bleeding or whether it still stops.
Only if you had a mistake is the possibility of pregnancy. Then only one pregnancy test can give you safety. For a blood test, a safe result is possible 9 days after the GV. With a test strip you get a result after 14-19 days.
Greetings HobbyTfz
You will not be pregnant
You’re not pregnant.
I’m very paranoid with this, I’m very afraid of getting pregnant despite all the caution 😅
It doesn’t make fun, it’s better to live absentee.