Schwanger trotz negativem SST?
ich hatte vor ca 7 Wochen (03.10.) den Risiko GV. Meine Freundin nimmt die Pille durchgehend ohne Pause und hat auch keine Einnahmefehler gemacht. Trotzdem hatte Sie 2-3 Wochen nach dem GV Symptome die auf eine Schwangerschaft hindeuten (Schmierblutung, Übelkeit, Spannung in den Brüsten)
Die Schmierblutung liegt vllt daran, dass Sie krank war und gebrochen hab, wodurch die Pille kurzzeitig ihre Wirkung verloren hat (alles nach dem GV)
Sie hat bereits mehrere SST durchgeführt und sogar gestern einen. Alle negativ.
Was denkt ihr? Sie will ungern Schwanger sein und wenn dann früh genug bescheid wissen, um die nächsten Schritte zu planen (Abtreiben)
She took the pill all the way and she did several tests.
So slowly you should calm down again and maybe use condoms in the future. Maybe it calms your nerves.
Why “Risiko GV” if your girlfriend does not take the pill without a break and has not made any mistakes in taking it?
The test results can be trusted, because a commercially available pregnancy test from the pharmacy, drugstore market, well-sorted supermarket or shipping trade will deliver a relatively (over 99%) reliable result from about 19 days after the last unprotected intercourse (here in connection with a contraceptive application error).
Happy for you!
There is no indication of pregnancy, you have been prevented, the tests are negative, which they would definitely no longer be after 7 weeks. So why would she be pregnant?
By the way, the symptoms are probably also found under side effects in the package leaflet of the pill.
The funny thing is that after the GV, she had the first time these “benefit effects”. That’s what keeps us worried.
Why? This is the best proof that it can have nothing to do with pregnancy. The body “accompanied” only days after the GV are of a pregnancy at all and can therefore not develop any symptoms directly after the GV.
Then it helps prevent. It doesn’t help to get crazy.
Well, that’s why you’re protecting. And since apparently so far very successful.
What for? Well, we don’t want to become parents without financial security in young years.
Not “it”, but you Go crazy. But what for?
Well, what do you want? If you do not trust your contraception method or the tests, only the gyn gang remained to confirm the non-pregnancy and advice – either to the current contraceptive or to possible alternatives.
Probably you’re right, it just makes us crazy for weeks
And how about everything in the world should she have become pregnant?
There are cases where you can still get pregnant. A friend’s friend became pregnant despite taking pills without a mistake.
Jein. There are extremely rare intestinal diseases that can affect the absorption of active substances, but that would be known to be 99.9% if they had such one.
The friend’s girlfriend has taken the pill 100% wrong or wrong. Whether conscious or not, I cannot judge.
I rather think of a rumor (my opinion)…I don’t say that there can never be such a thing (some “use” the pill actually not right) but in most cases it is a conscious or unconscious error of taking – which then of course is also unconscious or unconscious. is not added.
So or so – the pill does not fail “simply” – either the body does not use it properly (then your friend would have been pregnant long ago) or there is a mistake in the sense of, for example, unconsidered interactions in food or medicine. They can, of course, occur theoretically at any time. But even in such a case, a properly performed pregnancy test is meaningful from 19 days after the possibly dangerous GV.
How long after the unprotected GV your girlfriend had the vomiting?
To make you crazy doesn’t bring anything. Make an appointment with the female doctor and get professional advice there.
The usual breaks for the bleeding of the bleeding will stop her, right?
2-3 weeks After the GV she broke. It was sick at that time. No, she really takes the pill without breaks as she does not stop the pain during the period. (From a female doctor so arranged)
After 2 weeks, the sperms in the body are no longer capable of producing, so that a dazzling ovulation would have no effect.