Schwanger? Test undeutlich?

Hey ihr Lieben,

also ich hab mich in letzter Zeit irgendwie ein bisschen komisch gefühlt und hab dann eigentlich einfach mal aus Interesse einen Schwangerschaftstest gemacht. Ich hab die Pille zwar immer ganz normal genommen, okay einmal hab ich sie 8h zu spät genommen, aber kann man dadurch direkt schwanger werden? Außerdem hab ich die Pille neu angefangen und als ich das erste Mal wieder GV hatte, hatte ich sie erst 5 Tage genommen, aber da ist er nicht in mir gekommen, weswegen das ja eigentlich auch nahezu unmöglich ist.
Dann hab ich einen Test gemacht und weil ich so unsicher war auch noch gleich einen 2. Test ca. eine Woche später, die sahen so aus nach 15 Minuten:

Aber nach ein paar Stunden wo ich nochmal geschaut habe plötzlich so:

Ist das normal oder ein Grund zur Sorge? Ich nehme die Slinda Pille und bekomme daher meine Tage nicht, deswegen kann ich es davon nicht abhängig machen.

Ein dritter Test ergab dann das:

Aber die zwei „Striche“ oben verunsichern mich so.

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2 years ago

once I took her 8h too late, but can you get pregnant?

No, in most pills there is a 12-hour intake window. (In the case of the Slinda according to the package leaflet even 24 hours).

Quote from the package leaflet: If you have exceeded the intake time of a film tablet less than 24 hours, take the film tablet as soon as you remember it and then take the following film tablets back at the usual time, even if this means that you need to take 2 film tablets at the same time.

Besides, I started the pill again and when I first had GV, I had taken it five days, but he didn’t come in me, which is why it’s almost impossible.

When the first pill is taken on the first day of period bleeding, it reliably protects from day 1 of intake.

But after a few hours I looked again

What can be seen after a few hours is irrelevant. Then the test has long since become invalid.

Tests are usually intended to be read until about 10 minutes after their performance, as long as they are still moist. After this time has elapsed, the urine dries in the test. When the ink moves over the screen or the test strip, the result becomes visible. Sometimes a little ink intercepts in the drawn line, while it wanders over the screen, which is not intended. When the test is dry and the urine volatilizes, this ink draws to the surface and becomes darker. And then you may see a light second line or a very light shadow.

Building one another makes the test invalid.

When is a pregnancy test reliable:

It must be carried out correctly, best with morning urine and at least 19 days after the traffic in question.

Why 19 days?

Because sperms can wait for ovulation in the woman for up to five days after sexual intercourse, fertilization can still occur if ovulation takes place during this period (e.g. due to an error in taking the pill).

From the successful fertilization, it takes just 14 days until there is reliably enough HCG in the urine to be able to prove it by a test.

If you take an early test instead of a normal 25s test, you can expect a safe result from 18 days after the traffic, because the early test will be positive from 13 days after ovulation.

Why not? Because the HCG increase at the beginning of pregnancy is very individual.

2 years ago

The guide says when it is read. All other times are incorrectly read.

2 years ago

Each pregnancy test is only as reliable as it is performed correctly and at the right time according to the manufacturer’s usage information; andreadwill.

Happy for you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Angelina836

What do you think there’s a timeline in the guide?

2 years ago
Reply to  Angelina836

But can happen, but is invalid and nothing to say.

2 years ago

A pregnancy test should always be used according to manufacturer specifications. The second line is a evaporative line.

The third test where a minus can be seen is also clearly negative.