Schwanger, Plötzlich kein unterleib ziehen mehr?
ich habe mit 3 Tests positiv getestet. Bin heute ES+12
Hatte die letzten Tage unterleibschmerzen, die jetzt immer weniger wurden. Muss ich mir Sorgen machen, oder hattet ihr auch nur teilweise ein ziehen im Unterleib?
so your body certainly does not send any pregnancy symptoms.
With regard to your positive early tests, I can only tell you (realisticly) that at least one third of all pregnancies are “different” at such an early stage. So please wait.
At ES+12 you would have realistically no signs at all, i.e. no abdominal pain (can of course occur, but is not the norm now). You don’t have anything through.
As long as there are no bleedings and the test is still positive, there is no reason to worry first;)
Thanks for the answer!
Was just a bit afraid because it was getting less and less
that’s just beginning.
Thanks for the answer!