Schwanger oder nicht *Bild*?
Ich (w, 16) hatte vor mehr als zwei Wochen mein erstes Mal mit meinem Freund. Wir haben mit Kondom verhütet, die Pille nehme ich nicht. Ich habe seit ca 3 Jahren meine Tage. Wir hatten mehrere Runden und er ist auch zwei mal (mit Kondom) in mir gekommen. Er hat mich auch gefingert. Da ich ein paar Anzeichen hatte, welche auf eine Schwangerschaft hindeuten könnten. Wie Schlafprobleme, Unterbauch/Unterleib ist bei mir seit Tagen gebläht, Übelkeit, starke Stimmungsschwankungen und ein paar andere Symptome. Nun habe ich heute einen Schwangerschaftstest gemacht und ich würde gerne eure Meinung dazu wissen. Der Strich tauchte nach ca. 7-10 min auf (Bitte nur ernste Antworten. Und die Möglichkeit zu meinen Frauenarzt zu gehen besteht momentan nicht, da ich im Ausland bin. Ich bin mir über meine Möglichkeiten bewusst und möchte nur gerne wissen was ihr denkt.
Vielen Dank.
Looks like pregnant, how long is the packaging when you can read it? Make another second
Actually, after 3-4 minutes, that’s why I’m unsure. Thank you.
The result shows it after 3 minutes. A later result is invalid. So when the line came so late you were not pregnant.
In addition, you have been prevented, this also speaks against pregnancy.
These symptoms can also be something else. since you had no symptoms so early.
I think it’s more PMS symptoms
The line is quite weak and thin, you might be lucky again. The line could be the reagent that reacts to the hormones.
Usually the result comes earlier, should be there after three minutes.
Basically, you should consider if the pill was attached.
The result comes after 3 minutes. Later results are invalid.
The test is negative or invalid.
1. The test must be read within the first minutes, since the embossing line is often visible when drying.
Two. Symptoms of pregnancy only come from the 5th / 6th week. So yours are imagination or have other reasons.
3. The line should be blue and as wide as the control line. Only then can it be evaluated as positive.
Make a test tomorrow morning – please keep to the package leaflet.
Take another test tomorrow morning with the first morning urine. There is the highest level of hormone to which these tests react.
Whether it is a positive result or just the evaporation line, one cannot say with certainty here.
I did the test this morning.
Which reading period is given in the package leaflet?
But you can, as the line only appeared after 7 minutes.
3-4 minutes.
Would recommend you make one more, the left line you see, but it is extremely thin, hardly really recognizable.
If you should be pregnant, congratulations.
Thank you very much. But don’t have to be 😂
If you’re over 30, so it’s not that wrong.😂👍
At the age, also disciples, from 4 years or 5 I had exactly the same, male but also female friends. Anyway, I always felt at the girls and the boys were my best friends, both sides were always there for me, we always shared everything. 4 girlfriends have spent 4 days with me and we always used the same toothbrushes socks etc. There we were 15, the one 14, we told us all in life and everyone always knew about the other. Once a girl I had met with 16 (she was in the parallel class) wanted to invite me to dinner after school, one of my childhood friends came and told me that I would have eaten right out of the pistol and that the food soon expires, she knew it because the girls are often with me, also come with food and we cook for each other. We also knew the body of the other, for none of us it was a sexual sight to see the other, we were showering together after that. You were just curious how the other side was built. Like a family, we were even more narrow than that, but not with the same blood.
And should I tell you something? But I never really came to the idea of starting something sexual with them. Because they all grew to my heart. Unfortunately, one day I moved away and have no more contact with them. I wish them the best to date.
You can just believe me friendly loves and sexually do not distinguish or love. Your entire generation can’t.
If I remember that. If I had been with you today, I would have said 100% to them that I would want to live with them and believe me, I would have done that and they would never have said no. I didn’t even have the money for that.
If you compare your relationship with my relationship is your sexual connection, mine is connected with trust.
I think that’s different. I’ve been with him a long time before, and I know him very well and long. I feel comfortable with him and yes. Many in this generation are on the wrong path, but I definitely don’t count on it. Maybe you did other things at that age, but I have someone I trust and I feel comfortable with. These are not comparisons.
Yeah, that’s right. With 16 I was on my Xbox 360 in Bo2 Lobby’s mostly Nuketown or Hijacked in English chat.😂😂😂 I can’t tell you. I can only tell you no sheet taken in front of your mouth.😂 I didn’t even think of looking for a girlfriend at all. 😂
No problem.
It’s a bad child.
Oh, thought because there was 93 in the name steh like 1993, ups.
She’s 16, so even a child…
Looks like pregnant but not panic.
Buy another one.
When did you get back from abroad?
Can you call your female doctor?
What country are you in?
In Italy, is difficult as the least Italians can English here. I’ll be back in a week.
Write an email to your female doctor. Still, do a test, can also show googlen and the picture – they will understand.
How would you feel if he was positive?
I totally understand you! And if your friend was mad, he’d be an ass.
I’d write to my female doctor and give you some information about how it goes on before it’s too late.
Thank you. I’m a little overwhelmed because neither I nor my friend are ready to do so, but he cares very much and is also informed about the situation and hasn’t reacted madly either. But I have a lot to do in my life and I want to do Abitur, is therefore rather unfavourable.
There’s a Sake first.
No. The valid result comes after 3 minutes. The line came later and is therefore invalid.
Still pregnant.
Ok then troll continue
According to the test, not because the test is negative.
You better learn how to think quickly.
All right, I don’t think so. You’re just taking mine wrong.
You misunderstand my testimony.