Schwanger oder nicht?
Hey, ich denke das ich in der 6. Woche schwanger bin. Mein Schwangerschaftstest war negativ. Aber meine Periode ist schon seit 12 Tagen überfällig. Meine Brüste tuen sehr weh und wachsen im Moment sehr schnell ich muss oft aufs Klo und mir ist sehr schlecht!!! Ich habe das Gefühl mein Bauch wächst. (Einbildung) 😂😂
Und meine Katze die noch nie zu mir gekommen ist will ständig schmusen und legt sich auf mein Bauch und leckt mich ab… ich weiß nicht es deutet alles drauf hin denn ich hatte schon sehr oft Sex ohne Kondome und die Pille nehme ich nicht und er ist bisher immer gekommen. Aber die Tests waren negativ. Also 3 davon waren nach einer längeren Zeit erst leicht positiv ein ganz winziger 2. Strich. Aber danach hab ich nochmal 2 gemacht die Wagen negativ ( vor 1 Woche)
was soll das heissen?
Leibe Grüße im Vorraus Celine
At the abdomen you can see a pregnancy at the earliest in the 5th month.
If the last traffic is longer than 19 days, then a pregnancy test is reliable. You seem to be very young, and there it is normal that the cycle is rather irregular.
Even if you’re not pregnant, you should go to the doctor and inform you about the right prevention.
And if you’re already there, you can also be examined for sexually transmitted diseases.
I can have all other reasons, but if the pregnancy tests were negative, I would rely on them. Maybe you just make another one to have a current one
In the 6th week of pregnancy there are no physical changes.
If you don’t trust the test, make an appointment with your female doctor.
your pregnancy test is negative and nothing you report has anything to do with a pregnancy.
Probably you’re a servant. But go to your doctor.
So I can assure you your belly in the 6th. Week of pregnancy to 100% does not yet grow due to the baby.
in an ultrasound you can see in the 6th. Not even a week. Mostly from 8-9. Week and there the little one is as small as a mustard grain and the fertilizer may be like a crumb. So if you get such a belly then something is wrong
if your test was a week ago, make jz another one. The hormone that reacts to these tests doubles every 2 days during pregnancy. Then it should be clearly positive
if not then your painful breasts are probably a sign of your late period
I don’t know this app says 9. ssw but I’m not sure about it…. So there’s the condom burst, but after that we’ve only done it right without I say, if necessary. 6. ssw.
The belly does not grow in the sixth MONTH in the sixth week. You’re not pregnant, but you have PMS.
The belly grows in the 6th. Week not yet and more on the toilet you have to when the baby is so big that it presses on the bubble.
Your tests are negative if you don’t believe it go to Gyn.
Jesus. What are you doing? Why don’t you touch your bowl?
Go to the female doctor and let you do a reasonable test. Then you’re certain.
And when you deal with yourself in such a irresponsible way, you have to worry seriously.
Just go to the doctor.
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